my 1password toolbar icon appears to be unresponsive as I try and login to Yahoo

my 1password toolbar icon appears to be unresponsive as I try and login to Yahoo

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb-search:icon, kb-search:signing in, kb:teams-troubleshooting-signin, kb-search:trouble signing in, kb:change-password-safety-nets


  • Hi @Suzmo!

    Sorry to hear that you're experiencing this issue.

    Does this only occur on Yahoo or on other sites as well?
    Which browser are you using?
    Are you using anti-malware software on your PC? If so, which one?


  • Suzmo
    Community Member

    I reset my Yahoo password and it seems to be working now. Thanks!

  • Hi @Suzmo - I'm so glad all is working now, thanks for letting us know :)

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