Will 1P on Windows 10 with IE11 be able to migrate to Edge browser when extensions come?

If I install 1P now on Windows 10 with IE 11, will I be able to migrate it over to my Edge browser when extensions finally become available later this year? Or should I just wait for Edge extensions before I purchase 1P? Thanks.

1Password Version: ?
Extension Version: ?
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: ?
Referrer: forum-search:1P on Windows 10 with IE11. Migrate to Edge browser when extensions come?


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @sgroubert: When Microsoft announces (finally!) their extension API for Edge? Almost certainly not. But at that point we'll be able to start working on it. It may be simple (if it's based off of Chrome, as rumoured), or it may be more complex. Microsoft hasn't even promised anything, so there's no way we can. And when they do, we'll need to develop and test it first. But man have we been waiting for this! :lol:

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