A login does not work when invoked from the browser, but works fine when invoked from 1PW

I have a simple login set up which defines a url, username, and pw. When invoked from 1PW with the Open option, it works fine except for the fact that i have to cause the userid and pw to be filled out by invoking the special control key. When i try to login from the browser, nothing happens.
The only 'unusual' aspect of this login is that the url is quite long.
Any idea what can be going on?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb-search:login does not work from browser, ok from 1PW


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @hjhermans: Unfortunately without some basic information it's hard to say what might be going wrong and how we might right it! Please tell me the OS, 1Password, and device versions you're using, the exact steps you're taking, and what is (or is not) happening the way you expect so we can figure out the best plan of action.

    The more information you can give, the better. For instance, if you're having trouble with one particular site, knowing the URL will be crucial for us to test it and see what we can do to help. Thanks in advance! :)

  • hjhermans
    Community Member

    THanks for getting back to me. The URL that is being used here is:


    Am using Windows 10 and Chrome browser. 1PW version Only a userid and pw are recorded with 1PW.

    Wen I invoke the login from Chrome, no action results at all. When i invoke the Open option from 1PW, the login works jut fine.

    Hope this is enough info.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @hjhermans: Ah, thanks! I actually have a Garmin account myself, so I was able to test this pretty easily. Oddly, I didn't have any trouble logging in. Please install the latest Chrome extension, restart Windows, and then try the following.

    In many cases manually saving a new login for the site will allow 1Password to save additional information from the form. Just follow these steps to save the login manually:

    1. Navigate to https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/sign-in.ep
    2. Enter your login credentials
    3. Click the 'keyhole' icon to bring up the extension
    4. Click the 'gear' icon for Settings
    5. Click Save New Login
    6. Give it a name and Save
    7. Close the webpage and select your new login from the extension to have 1Password Go & Fill
    8. Submit the form manually if you have autosumbit disabled

    Please try it using both the mouse and the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl \). I was able to login using both my existing item, and a new one I created following those steps. Let me know what you find. I look forward to hearing back from you! :)

  • hjhermans
    Community Member

    Hi brenty;
    Thanks. I tried what you said and it works fine now. Tried installing latest CHrome extension but i don't think it did anything. Maybe i have uninstall first. Step 7 directs me to select login from 1PW Go & Fill. I can't find any such option. Will try to uninstall extension and re-install. In any case things now work fine. The login url is a lot shorter creating the login entry this way.
    Thanks again

  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    Hi @hjhermans,

    If it is working fine, there is no need to reinstall anything, you're all set to go.

    On behalf of Brenty, you're welcome.

    Step 7 directs me to select login from 1PW Go & Fill. I can't find any such option.

    It's not a separate option, it's an action performed as soon as you click on the Login item. Basically, bring up the 1Password menu or the main 1Password program, find the Login item to click on it, 1Password will open the site and then fill it automatically. The difference is that you're not on the site that's loaded already, you're asking 1Password to open it for you instead.

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