Hi. I bought the Mac App store version but I have a PC, can I sync both with it? [Yes]

Community Member
edited January 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

I have already installed my Mac version from Apple Store, on my Macbook Air, I sinc. it with my android mobile, everything perfect, can I do with my PC? I suppose I don't need to buy a new program, since it's for the same database, I installed version 4 under W7 it's trial now, and the program asks me for an license number which I don't have, because of my version. Any support? Thanks a lot, Im absolutely new. Reds Teresa

1Password Version: 601004
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: ug:mac/installing-1password, ug:mac/new-computer, ug:mac/new-computer-dropbox, kb-search:licence number, kb:license-file-faq


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @DamaAzul: Indeed, 1Password is sold on a per-platform basis (https://support.1password.com/license-requirements/), so 1Password for Windows is a separate purchase from 1Password for Mac. But if you send a copy of your Mac App Store receipt to support+licenses@agilebits.com we can use it to generate a coupon for you to get the 'bundle' price on the Windows version. Cheers! :)

  • DamaAzul
    Community Member

    Oh, as you see, I'm new, I tried to find the answer on faqs, but wasn't lucky :) I appreciate your help, and the bundle offer, now let's see how to get the copy of my mac version receipt, I don't know hoy, I bought it through Apple Store, a few days ago, I have an email from your company, that's it... no license number neither. I'll check my Apple Store just in case. Cheers :chuffed:

  • DamaAzul
    Community Member

    How can I get this Mac App Store receipt? I did not get any invoice. Sorry for these questions. Thx

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @DamaAzul: Hey, no problem! That's what we're here for. :chuffed:

    When you purchase anything from the Mac App Store, Apple sends you a receipt in your email. Alternatively, you can open the App Store (or iTunes) and find it listed in your purchase history. So if you're not able to find your receipt, a screenshot of that will work too. I hope this helps! :)

  • DamaAzul
    Community Member

    Oh thanks a lot :)

  • DamaAzul
    Community Member

    It was my firts App Store purchase, on my Macbook Air, and I did not get this receipt... if I can't handle it I will make a screenshot and send it, thank you so much, saludos

  • Hi @DamaAzul

    It may take a few days before you get that email from the iTunes team. Apple waits a few days to see if you make other purchases and then charge you once instead of charging individually for each app.

    Let us know here when you sent the screenshot, so we can confirm we have the email.

  • DamaAzul
    Community Member

    Good evening/night (here)
    I just sent the email with the screenshots
    Thank you very much for your answer, now I know how it goes, I could not understand why I did not have the receipt, I even sent an email to Apple today but did not get any answer yet.

  • You're welcome and it looks like Laura has replied to your email already.

    If we can be of further assistance, let us know.

    ref: ILS-66435-358

This discussion has been closed.