Using the iCloud Drive folder?

I have all Mac and iOS devices, except 1 computer at work that is Windows. I currently have a backup of my 1Password data on it and it sort of works. Updates are a pain of course. Apple has created an iCloud client finally and I can see my iCloud Drive folder local, just like a Dropbox folder. Can I save my 1Password data their, rather than through CloudKit and expect things to work?

1Password Version: 6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.11, Windows 7
Sync Type: iCloud


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Apple has created an iCloud client finally and I can see my iCloud Drive folder local, just like a Dropbox folder. Can I save my 1Password data their, rather than through CloudKit and expect things to work?

    @Marc R. Jacobs: In short, no.

    The slightly longer answer to your question is that iCloud Drive can be used to sync your 1Password data in a useful fashion only between computers. The reason for this is that mobile app don't have access to the filesystem (where iCloud Drive data lives), so they won't be able to read it.

    On OS X and iOS, apps use CloudKit to sync data, which is requests to a database behind the scenes, which is not exposed in the filesystem. This is why you won't see files from apps that sync with iCloud littering your iCloud Drive folder.

    iCloud Drive was added rather late in iCloud's history. It's useful for file storage, but iCloud was originally designed with a very different model. Dropbox, on the other hand, works just the way you'd expect it to. I hope this helps! :)

  • Marc R. Jacobs
    Marc R. Jacobs
    Community Member

    Thanks... makes sense... guess I've have to keep a Dropbox account too.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Indeed. It may be that this changes in the future. There are always possibilities. But Dropbox is the best option right now. Cheers! :)

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