Not Sorting Alphabetically After PC Version Update

Since the latest update (, one category (folder) won't sort alphabetically anymore. It's fine on the the iOS versions, this bug only appears on the Windows PC running Windows 10. Could this possibly be because one of the titles contains an accented character? Thanks

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @FuriousFan: Hmm. I have an item with an á as the first character, and that shows up at the top of the As in my list. Can you provide some more details that might help shed some light on this? Thanks in advance! :)

  • FuriousFan
    Community Member

    I added an item called Sarafina's Cafe (with an accented e) to a folder and it was after that I noticed sorting no longer worked on the PC version. I just deleted the item and the sort problem still exists. Every item I added after the update appears at the top of the list or the bottom even though they start with a D.

    But, when I added an item now, it goes where it should.

    I got it to work. I deleted the first letter in the title, re-typed it and it saved properly. I guess for some reason characters were being read as starting with a number instead of the letter. Weird.

  • Hi @FuriousFan,

    I'm glad you got it working now. It is strange it would disable the sorting based on a single character, that shouldn't happen but Unicode is difficult to parse. It is possible we got an unexpected character code that didn't make sense to 1Password and when trying to sort, it stops. Once it got the correct code, it then works.

    Do you recall if you added that specific character on Windows or elsewhere? Can you tell us which specific character it was or was it the accented 'e'?

  • FuriousFan
    Community Member

    I no longer think it was related to the accented character. When I edited the records that weren't sorted properly, I had to hit the delete key twice on the first letter in the title (even though there was no space). It's possible that cut and pasting the info from iCloud's Note app introduced a character type the app couldn't parse.

    This was all done using the Windows PC. Everything sorted correctly on the iOS versions.

  • Hi @FuriousFan,

    Ok, that makes more sense. It was sorting the item based on the beginning invisible character, which does exist.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @FuriousFan: Ahh. I love iCloud Notes, but one frustration of mine is the formatting can get kind of weird sometimes. I'll paste something that should be plaintext into it and it ends up bold or underlined or something. And that makes me think maybe there was some formatting data in what you pasted that was throwing 1Password off. We may never know, but that's what Im betting on. Be sure to let us know if you're able to determine what it was! :)

  • FuriousFan
    Community Member

    I agree. I'm now convinced it was iCloud Notes as this has never happened entering info manually.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @FuriousFan: Cool. I'll mess around with it more myself now that I have an idea of what to look for. But if you happen to run into the issue again, please let us know as much detail as possible. If we can figure out a way to have 1Password ignore or filter out that data before saving, that may help avoid these kinds of issues. Thanks again for bringing this to our attention! :)

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