Copying Vault to New Windows Machine from Windows

Hi there,

Was wondering if there is another way to copy my vault over to a new PC?
I can't use Dropbox sync because cloud servers are blocked at my workplace.
I saw the export/import functionality, but I didn't want to use that since logins/passwords weren't encrypted.

So I just copied over my whole Agilekeychain file and Backup to a USB, and restored from backup on my work PC. The only issue is that I now see the first original AgileKeyChain and a newly created one called 1Password 2.agilekeychain.

Is there anyway to copy these files over back and forth and just restore from backup without creating a new vault?


1Password Version: Latest
Extension Version: Latest
OS Version: Windows 10 and 7
Sync Type: USB


  • Hi @PoweredByPho,

    You don't need to back up or restore from the backup for this. However, when you restore, there's an option to replace the current folder instead of creating a separate folder.

    For your use case, you can just copy the agilekeychain folder to the USB drive, copy it to work's drive and when you're done with work, copy the said folder back to USB, overwriting it and then back to your personal computer, overwriting as well. Just make sure you configure 1Password on both computers to back up daily.

    Some users use a local sync tool to sync between the folder on the computer drive and the folder on the USB, this automates the writing/overwriting process to a single button. However, this depends on if you can run said tool on your computer. I think there are some basic portable sync tools that do not require admin rights you can find, MS SyncTool might work.

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