1Password 6.0.1 takes too long to authenticate and unlock my vault

Community Member

On my MacBook Pro (Early 2011) 1Password 6.0.1 now takes about 20 to 30 s to authenticate and unlock my vault. It is Build 601004 from the Mac App Store. Before the update to Version 6 (I actually don’t know, whether this started happening with 6.0.1 or already with 6.0, given that 6.0.1 followed 6.0 on its heels) I did not have this issue. It now happens consistently. It doesn’t matter, whether I try to unlock the vault from the Safari extension or in the menubar.

1Password Version: 6.0.1
Extension Version: 4.4.3
OS Version: OS X 10.11.3
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:1Password 6.0.1 takes too long to authenticate and unlock my vault



  • dirkbe
    Community Member

    Since a couple of weeks unlocking 1Password is very slow. I think, since the upgrade to 1Password 6. Sometimes the unlock-process takes > 30 sec, with the main application as well as with the mini-1password.

    The last small update to 6.0.1 didn't change this, so I'm wondering, if it's a bug or something is wrong with my database? (BTW: everything works fine with the iPad and iPhone-version.) Any ideas, what to do?

    1Password Version: 6.0.1
    Extension Version: 4.5.3
    OS Version: 10.11.3
    Sync Type: Dropbox

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    @dirkbe sorry that I can't provide a solution to your problem. What I have done, however, is to merge your thread with an existing one which seems to refer to the same problem. That way both you and @DominikHoffmann will benefit from any reply from AgileBits' staff. You may have to be a little patient as many of them are in the US/Canada time zones and are probably sleeping at the moment.

    Sorry not to be more immediately helpful.


  • Hi @DominikHoffmann and @dirkbe,

    We did some extensive work to how unlocking works in version 6, and we're currently running a little more work as part of the unlock process than we should be. In this case it's sync work. We want to trigger sync of all of your vaults on unlock, and most of the sync work should happen after unlock, but there's still a small portion that happens before we decide if the unlock was successful or not. The slowdowns I've seen so far have all been on cases where the user was syncing with Network Attached Storage + Folder Sync. Is that the case for you?

    I want to change how that stuff works in an upcoming release. Sorry about this.


  • dirkbe
    Community Member

    I'm syncing via Dropbox/agilekeychain-file since the first day this was introduced. Folder on my macbook pro.

  • Hi @dirkbe,

    Would you mind generating a Diagnostics Report and sending it to support+forums@agilebits.com? I'd like to see if it shows anything interesting that might point to something else going on here. Include a link to this forum thread in the email so that we can connect the dots. You should get a response from our support system nearly immediately with a request id, if you could post that request id to this forum thread that would help us jump between the two systems here.



  • houston
    Community Member

    I have exactly the same problem with same version! On Mac OSX El Capitan.

  • dirkbe
    Community Member

    @rickfillion: Thank you, Diagnostic Report is on the way!


  • Hi @dirkbe,

    Could you post the request id that was returned to you when you submitted the Diagnostics Report?



  • DominikHoffmann
    Community Member

    I timed it. It was 40 s this time. I will generate a Diagnostics Report, as well.

  • dirkbe
    Community Member

    @rickfillion support ID is [#EQG-67632-555]

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dirkbe,

    We've received your Diagnostics Report - thanks for sending it in! Someone from the support team will get back to you as soon as possible with some further information. We'll keep the conversation going directly via email to avoid complicating things between here and there. :)

    ref: EQG-67632-555

  • DominikHoffmann
    Community Member

    I filed a Diagnostics Report. #FSH-22893-275

  • DominikHoffmann
    Community Member

    Oh, and I forgot to mention, that in my case, too, synching is via Dropbox. Probably the Diagnostics Report bears that out, but I just wanted to explicitly document that here.

  • Aleen
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @DominikHoffmann,

    Just like Megan told dirkbe above, someone from the support team will email you with further information or steps :) In order to keep things from getting too complicated, we'll keep the conversation going via email!

    ref: FSH-22893-275

  • Rs78xHfjnModHKmnXtVX
    Community Member
    edited January 2016

    I am having the same troubles since version 6. Incredibly frustrating. How can I fix?

  • @Rs78xHfjnModHKmnXtVX Could you also send over a Diagnostics Report as Rick mentioned above? Just create the Diagnostics Report from your Mac, then attach it to an email message addressed to support+forum@agilebits.com.

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report in our inbox.

    Once you send the email, post back here with the BitBot confirmation number you receive a few minutes after sending. That will help us connect the dots. :)

  • Submitted, BitBot number is: #UFH-34121-124

  • lucapost
    Community Member

    Same exact problem over here since I upgraded to version 6.smtg on my MacBook.

    I have sent the diagnostic report to support@agilebits.com already -> Support ID #GTY-87944-238


  • Hi @Rs78xHfjnModHKmnXtVX ,

    I see you are running version 4.4.4 of the Safari extension. Can you update that extension to the latest version? Then, try it again and please let me know if it still takes a long time to unlock.


  • Running 4.5.2 https://goo.gl/4kyuDI — still excruciatingly slow.

  • seraph2k
    Community Member

    I've been having this issue since 1Password 6, and I did a bit of troubleshooting. I have Little Snitch installed and I noticed that certain connections were being blocked. After allowing those, the vault unlocks almost instantly.

    @1Password: I would suggest implementing a time limit to your syncing attempts which proceed to unlock the vault if it's not able to do so within 10 seconds or so.

  • Hi @seraph2k,

    Thanks for the tip! I'll pass your timeout suggest along to the development team.

    @Rs78xHfjnModHKmnXtVX , please see seraph2k's comment above. Do you run Little Snitch on your Mac? If you allow connections from 1Password does it help?


  • Hi, I am not running little snitch or anything similar. Disabling the internet connection does not improve the situation, it is still incredibly slow to unlock.

  • AGKyle
    1Password Alumni

    @Rs78xHfjnModHKmnXtVX Lets try to keep our discussion going via email please. Checking multiple places for information (we really like to be the last ones who reply in the forums on a particular discussion so we know it's 100% handled) can be really hard and can sometimes double the work of our team, as one responds here and one responds via email. I'm about to send you an email response so lets keep things going in that location until we get it figured out then we can post the result in the discussion forums here.

  • mvora
    Community Member

    I am running into the same issue on my Mac. Have noticed significantly slower unlock times after upgrading to 1Password 6. I did file a support request wth my diagnostic report - ZZT-89146-668

  • @mvora Thanks for sending that over. Sean has already replied, so we'll keep the conversation going via email for now. :)

    ref: ZZT-89146-668

  • DanielSiegel
    Community Member

    I also have the exact same problem on my MAC (everything fine on iOS).
    When I unlock 1Password (from top menu bar or from Chrome extension), it appears to unlock and immediately displays the top-level menus, but will not allow the cursor to access the menus for at least 10-30 seconds (colored spinning wheel cursor).

    Sounds like this is a common problem since version 6 was released a month or two ago, but I havent seen any general solution or even acknowledgement of this common problem yet.

    Just sent over Diagnostics report.
    My support ID is [#LSY-15197-861]

  • @DanielSiegel Thank you for sending over that report. The original poster in this thread found that things were solved with an update to version 6.0.2. Hopefully things are as simple for you as well. We'll be getting back to you soon.

    ref: #LSY-15197-861

  • DanielSiegel
    Community Member

    Although I had already updated to 6.0.2, I apparently hadnt rebooted my computer in quite awhile.
    Followed your suggestion to reboot, and now everything works like a charm.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    That's great news, thanks for following up to let us know about that! I'm glad it's working much better for you now. Hopefully it continues to work well, but if you run into more problems or need anything else, be sure to let us know. Cheers! :)

This discussion has been closed.