Is 1Password for Teams incompatible with Windows 7

I've set up a team and invited my colleagues. However, my colleagues' Chrome extension doesn't work on Windows 7. It looks for a helper and the helper (is that the same as the 1Password app) only seems to be available for Windows 10.

Please let us know if there is a solution.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @pahidla: Sorry for the confusion! 1Password for Teams is not an app itself. You can access 1Password for Teams using the web interface in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.

    The 1Password for Mac, iOS, Android (beta), and Windows 10 (beta) apps all support 1Password for Teams as well, with the 1Password for Windows desktop app supporting 1Password for Teams in a future release. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • To clarify, the upcoming upgrade to 1Password for Windows with Teams support will run on Windows 7.

  • bkbroughton
    Community Member

    @MikeT: Is there a projected launch date for the Windows 7 app with Team support? I just started a Family trial and unfortunately I'm stuck working on a Win 7 machine.

  • Unfortunately no, @bkbroughton.

    We're working as fast as we can to bring our customers the best possible 1Password for Families experience on all platforms but it will take a bit for the Windows 7-compatible client to be released.

    There is, however, the website that will give you full access to your data in Firefox and Chrome, including the capability to edit items.

    I hope this helps!

  • jtarrio
    Community Member

    Is there an update on the availability of a Windows 7 app that supports teams/families? I've been on the Teams beta and would considering switching to a Families account. I'm also considering the promotion of the Teams Pro features at the price of the Teams subscription, but there's only 4 days left to get on that train and I think it's unfair to ask Windows 7 users to make that commitment before there's an app that works for us. I realize I can access the web interface on Windows 7, but that's not the same thing. 1Password's usefulness without a native OS app and browser plug-ins is greatly diminished.

  • Sebby
    Community Member

    I have to agree. I have committed, because I believe in AgileBits, but I'm getting more and more frustrated that the Windows app doesn't support Teams yet.

  • Zero2Cool
    Community Member

    It's possible to download the new beta without IE or Edge ?
    I want to test it on my Ubuntu system under wine.

  • Hey @Zero2Cool,

    To be honest we haven't tested the new app under WINE so far and it's going to be a while until we will.
    However, given how many Windows-native technologies the new app uses, it might not run smoothly or at all.


  • Zero2Cool
    Community Member

    But if i could download the exe-file from this Beta, i could test it by myself.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Zero2Cool: You're free to try! But I really don't think it will work on Linux currently do to the newer Microsoft packaging and distribution method we're using for testing. In time, though, we will have a "normal" executable, which has a better chance of being supported by WINE. :)

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