Can't use the Chrome browser extension

My 1Password app logs onto websites fine, but the Chrome extension does not work at all. After selecting any site, Chrome replies: "Your file was not found. It may have been moved or deleted." And the URL in the browser is "chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk/"

Any suggestions? I've reinstalled the Chrome extension several times.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version:
OS Version: Win 8.1
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:extension


  • Hi @Dig_Doug,

    That's an unusual error, do you have any content blocking tool that might be blocking 1Password extension from working? If yes, could you whitelist the extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk address if you see it.

    If not, can you first try disabling all extensions in Chrome except for 1Password, restart Chrome, and see if the extension will then open sites for you.

    If not, please use this guide to generate the 1Password diagnostic report and email it to us at Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so that we can connect the email to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • Dig_Doug
    Community Member

    Hi @MikeT, thanks for your quick response. I've tried what you suggested - disabling all extensions (including my AdBlocker). I also disabled Chrome's own pop-up blocker setting. Interesting results...

    A few sites would populate via the mini-1Password, but many others would continue to go to the "chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk/" URL.

    I think I've learned the problem. I've transferred over all my log-ins from another PW solution. And appears that in the transfer (which was via a cvc file) the site URLs were truncated. What was a full URL for Carlyso became simply With no http:// or www.

    When I manually go into 1Password 4 and fix the URL to the complete URL, the mini Window works for that site. I've only tried a few, and will test the rest. Fingers crossed!


  • Hi @Dig_Doug,

    That makes sense. When 1Password tries to open, Chrome tries to open it locally in the extension and not open it as a website because of the missing http(s):// protocol.

    We'll see if we can fix this on the import process in the future, thanks for letting us know what you did to fix it.

  • Dig_Doug
    Community Member

    That is clearly the problem @MikeT. When exporting from my old PW manager and processing my log-in info through Excel, somewhere in there the URLs were truncated. I'd not noticed because on my Mac and iPhone, the 1Password app still saw the field as a URL.

    But the Windows version does not recognize the URL unless it has the full http:// prefix.

    I have a lot a fixing to do ;-)

  • Hi @Dig_doug,

    What was the previous password manager you exported from? There might be a way to do a bulk edit such as putting the export file in Excel or a spreadsheet tool and edit several entries at once. In addition, we might have a script that can add this as well.

    However, if it has been a while since you last imported, there is a chance re-importing might be more of a hassle then editing these entries in 1Password.

  • Dig_Doug
    Community Member

    Appreciate the suggestion @MikeT . My old solution doesn't have a bulk download. The lack of frequent progress on the product (eg, no bulk download feature) is one of the reasons I have abandon it.

    Keep up the excellent progress 1Password team. **Persistent development and excellent support **is why I will buy a license and why I plan to stay a 1Password customer for a long time.

  • Thanks for letting me know, that does make me sad that there isn't an easier way for you.

    If there's anything more we can do for you, please let us know and thank you for your feedback on our team, we appreciate it.

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