Opening an existing OPVault Vault from a Mac on Windows


I am trying to open a synchronised OPVault Vault from my OS X version of 1Password on the Windows version. This is currently synchronised using the folder sync method.

When I point my Windows copy at the OPVault it allows me to enter my password (and will detect if I input the password incorrectly) however once done so, the "Please wait while we unlock your 1Password vault" dialog appears, but never completes. I have left it for 30 minutes or more and it has never unlocked. Eventually I just have to kill the process.

I had been having issues with synchronisation on my Mac using the older format, in that it would never finishing synchronising and would use a huge amount of system resources, so I stopped syncing and recreated it, at which point the sync'd vault changed from the Agile Keychain to the OPVault format.

After reading this doc - It does indicate the Folder Sync method for an OPVault across OS's is not supported and I would need to convert it back to Agile Keychain to allow me to continue synchronising between OSX and Windows. Is this correct?


1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Folder


  • Hi @urbanslayer,

    Folder Sync in general isn't supported via various sync solutions, it's not limited to platforms nor specific formats. Since people will be using various tools that we never tested 1Password with, we cannot officially say it is a supported method.

    However, regardless of Agile Keychain or OPVault, it should never take more than a few minutes to unlock on Windows even for a large database.

    There might be something in your data folder that's causing 1Password to be stuck on. Most of the times, it is due to a large number of sync conflicts, which is another reason why Folder Sync can be problematic because each sync service/tool handles sync conflicts differently.

    Could you email us your 1Password diagnostic report from your PC, you don't have to unlock to generate the report. Please use this guide to generate the report and email it to us at Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so that we can connect the email to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • phovey
    Community Member

    For what it's worth, I've been successfully using SugarSync and folder sync to keep my 1Password in sync over OS X and Windows computers. I misconfigured it at first, and ended up essentially starting over (after backing up my files first, of course!) I haven't tried the Dropbox method of syncing, but I'd assume it's basically an automated folder sync, since Dropbox uses a folder structure also.

  • urbanslayer
    Community Member


    Thanks. I have sent the diagnostic report as requested.


  • MikeT
    edited February 2016

    Hi guys,

    @phovey, thanks for sharing your experience. I haven't seen many SugarSync users writing in to share their experiences with us, so it is very nice to know it is working great for you.

    @urbanslayer, we got the report and will reply back to your email as soon as we finish analyzing it. Thanks!

    ref: YIU-45419-177

This discussion has been closed.