I have no administrator rights and want to "download only" a new 1Password release...

but when looking for new releases the only option is to "download and install", which provides the error message of Wyou need to be administrator to install new software".

If I could download only, then I could use the "open as administrator" option by clicking in the upgrade file once it is downloaded.

1Password Version: 4.6.
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 7 Professional
Sync Type: Windows and Android Phone
Referrer: kb-search:Installing new 1Password version without administrator rights


  • MikeT
    edited February 2016

    Hi @Wolfgang_Schnell,

    If it needs admin rights, Windows would've asked for it.

    However, 1Password shouldn't be asking for the admin rights for installing updates, it is not needed unless you installed 1Password as an admin rather than using your standard account.

    Did you right-click on 1Password's installer file to install it as an admin?

    I would recommend reinstalling 1Password with your standard account to fix this.

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