I need help setting up 1password to work with my gmail account

I have two problems I need help solving. I read the user guide but I'm to technologically impaired to figure this stuff out.

I am trying to set up a login for google so I can get into my gmail account. I was able to save the password but I am having trouble getting it to use a 1password generated password. I went through the steps to generate a new password but when I was done, the google site would not let me login and I ended up having to reset the password. I have two gmail accounts I have to go between so I often have to log out of one and onto the other. What can I do to generate a stronger password for my gmail account?

The other problem I am having is with my bank website. I cannot get 1password to work with it at all. It requires you to put in a user id on the first screen. Then answer a security question on another screen. Then put in a password on the final screen. I messed it up trying to use 1password so now I am locked out of my bank account and I will have to call the bank to get back in. Is it possible to use 1password for my bank or am I stuck having to remember all that info?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
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  • Hi @mkhorany,

    What can I do to generate a stronger password for my gmail account?

    When you generated the password, did you update your Google's account with the new password by going through Gmail's Change Password form? It sounds like you updated your Login item in 1Password for Gmail but not the site. That would explain why Gmail didn't let you in, it wants the old password.

    1Password does not update the site's password, it gives you a new strong password to use, so you can give it to Google to change the password. Once that happens, 1Password should prompt to update your Login item with the new password.

    I'm asking because some folks thought 1Password can change the password for the site automatically but it cannot do that.

    You can see the process of how this works here: https://support.1password.com/guides/windows/change-password.html

    The other problem I am having is with my bank website. I cannot get 1password to work with it at all. It requires you to put in a user id on the first screen. Then answer a security question on another screen. Then put in a password on the final screen.

    I do apologize about what happened here, the last thing we want you to be is be locked out of your account. Can you tell us which bank this is, so we can see what we can do to fix this.

    Bank sites are notorious to work with as they have complex setup processes to make it difficult to automate everything. In this case, you would need to let 1Password fill the username and password separately but 1Password may not be able to answer the security questions. In addition, you may need to turn off auto-submit for the site as some bank sites do not like this.

    Here's how to disable the auto-submit:

    1. Open the main 1Password program, unlock, and find the Login item for the bank site
    2. Edit it and look for the submit option and select never like this:

    Here's how it would work for the site:

    1. When you're on the username page, press Control + \ to have 1Password fill it in, make sure it is correct and then go to the next page
    2. Copy the security answer from the Login item to paste it into the site's question field. Proceed to the next page
    3. Press Control + \, 1Password should fill the password in and you should be able to log in.

    Is it possible to use 1password for my bank or am I stuck having to remember all that info?

    1Password can store all of that information for you, so you don't have to remember any of that information except for the main 1Password password to unlock the database. Filling is an extra feature to make it easier to pull data out of 1Password into your web browser. When filling won't work perfectly, you can still copy/paste the information from 1Password to put into the site or in certain cases, use Auto-Type.

    Be sure to let us know which sites don't work, so we can add it to our list and maybe offer suggestions on how to make 1Password work for that site.

  • mkhorany
    Community Member

    I did go through the change password form on google. I typed in the old password and then generated the new password with the browser extension. I filled in the form with the new password and finalized it. Once I did it, I never got the message where 1password offers to update the password. When I tried to sign in, google would not recognize the new password. I even wrote down the newly generated password and typed it in and it still would not work. I tried the old password and it did not work as well. I reset the password, made a simple one, and went through the process of saving it as a login and it worked. I would like to make a stronger password so other than repeating the process I'm not sure what else I could do.

    The bank I use is Union Square Federal Credit Union. They are a small credit union and the website they use is pretty bad. I will try to go through the steps you mentioned.

  • Hi @mkhorany,

    I tried the old password and it did not work as well. I reset the password, made a simple one, and went through the process of saving it as a login and it worked. I would like to make a stronger password so other than repeating the process I'm not sure what else I could do.

    Is it possible you made too long of a password? Some sites let you fill in a 50 character passwords but it only accepts 30, so 1Password has it saved as 50 but the site won't take it because it expects only the first 30.

    Could you try again but this time, generate a password that is 20-30 in length and don't use any symbols just in case. Copy the password, paste the password in and see if it takes it. If it does, log out of Gmail and try to log in with the new password, see if 1Password will then prompt to update the Login for you.

    1Password will automatically copy all passwords it generates for you in the Generated Passwords category. To see this, open the main 1Password program, unlock and go to the View Menu to select Generated Passwords. This will then show up on the sidebar and you can select it to see all of the new passwords 1Password generated for you. This would be useful if you need to recall the password and 1Password didn't prompt to update the Login.

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