Updates and licensing


Reading the FAQ, I found the question about update a bit confusing. If I buy a license for windows of 1Password 4, I'll be able to update for free until the last version of this major version. Am I correct?
What about 1Password 5? Will I be forced to update to this version or will I be able to stay to version 4.z? How often do you increase the major version?


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:update


  • Hi @Mouk_nh,

    First, you will never be forced to upgrade anything. What you buy, you keep for life. If you buy 1Password 4, you keep it forever and it'll run as long as it is within its supported configuration. We can't promise you that it will run fine on Windows 20 but Microsoft is very good with backward compatibility. Now, this is for the main program, I'll explain more about the browser extensions in the bottom of this post.

    Secondly, if we release 1Password 5 (our next major version will mostly likely be 6), all existing customers would be able to choose to upgrade at a discounted price. We often have a grace period for free upgrades, like 1Password 4 was free for everyone who bought a license starting in 2013 and we shipped 1Password 4 in the middle of 2014.

    1Password 4 is our second major version, we jumped from 1Password 1.0.9 to 1Password 4 and it may do another jump to 6th as we will match up with all of the other 1Password apps that's on 6th version now. We do not release major versions that often like on OS X and iOS but we do ship multiple free updates to ensure 1Password on Windows maintains feature parity as much as possible with other 1Password apps.

    For more details:

    1. There have been 206 free updates for 1Password 1.x since its first release on 2010-04-19 (Our entire changelog here, ignore the 3 in the product name, it's an incorrect automatic naming)
    2. There have been 25 free updates for 1Password 4 since its first release on 2014-06-17. (Changelog here)

    The one gotcha for staying with the older 1Password versions is that we can't promise the browser extensions will always work forever for the browsers as the extensions are dependent on the browser's APIs that are out of our control. Considering that majority of the browsers are on a rapid release schedule for security reasons, we can't maintain this all the time for our older 1Password extensions. You would have to upgrade if you want the latest extensions unless you stay with the older browsers. The main program is not affected by this.

  • Mouk_nh
    Community Member

    Hello @MikeT,
    thanks a lot for your thourough answer. really appreciated.


  • You're welcome!

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