Initial queries from a non-user

I am using Windows 10 on a Notebook. I have RoboForm installed, but encountered issues with the Cloud (OneDrive). I am therefore considering 1Password. Could you tell me how long the trial period is, and what is the cost ($AUS) to upgrade to a standard Windows 10 version?
I would prefer to save all password data (Vault) on the computer, and not the Cloud.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: kb-search:!Password cost, kb-search:1Password cost, kb:sync-options, kb:upgrade-license


  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @DavidNash44,

    I personally love 1Password and am glad you want to give it a shot! You can try 1Password for one month at full functionality. All your data will be stored locally, on your computer. It would only go on the Cloud if you had 1Password in other devices (like an iPhone) and you wanted to sync the information between them. You can find the price for the licence here:

    I hope you like 1Password! :chuffed:

  • Hi guys,

    @DavidNash44, as Pilar mentioned, 1Password's free to use for 30 days with no restrictions and after 30 days, it is free to use if you have 20 items or less. If you have more, you'll have to buy a license to keep using 1Password.

    In addition, we also offer a 30-day money back promise, so you keep trying 1Password for another 29 days and ask for the money back if 1Password doesn't meet your needs.

    If you do decide to buy 1Password, the license will also include the family share feature, where you can share the same license with up to 5 family members of the household, for total of 6 human users. We don't keep track of installs, activations or anything like that, which means you and your family members can use the same license on any computers that you will use 1Password on.

  • DavidNash44
    Community Member

    I wish to use 1Password on a Windows notebook, and also an iPad, accessing the same vault. I would prefer not to use the cloud, but I do have Dropbox on both the notebook and iPad. I also have a family member who uses a Windows laptop who also uses Dropbox. Is this a feasible way to go?

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @DavidNash44,

    You and the other person can both use it on Windows with the same licence, each of you would have your own vault, unless you want to share it, in which case you could also do it! You could definitely use dropbox to sync, or even Wi-FI, you can read more about syncing here:

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @DavidNash44: Dropbox would be the best option to accomplish your goal there, and keep your 1Password data in sync across all of your devices — especially if you'd like to share one or more vaults with your family. And keep in mind that your 1Password data is end-to-end encrypted, so 1Password simply doesn't depend on the sync service to protect your data. 1Password is secure by design, not by chance. I hope this helps. Be sure to let us know if you have any other questions! :)

  • DavidNash44
    Community Member

    You beauty! I now have 1Password on two devices accessing the same vault on Dropbox! Exactly what I wanted.
    I have yet to pay for it, but I assume another family member will be able to use my license with his own separate vault.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    You beauty! I now have 1Password on two devices accessing the same vault on Dropbox! Exactly what I wanted.

    @DavidNash44: Thanks for the update. I'm glad that helped! :chuffed:

    I have yet to pay for it, but I assume another family member will be able to use my license with his own separate vault.

    Indeed! This is exactly what I do (including taking advantage of free trials whenever possible! lol). A single 1Password for Windows license entitles you and 5 family members in your household to use it on all of your PCs. You can each have your own personal vaults, but also share some vaults amongst yourselves using Dropbox if you wish. Be sure to let us know if you have any other questions. We're here for you! :)

  • DavidNash44
    Community Member

    I have installed 1Password on an iPhone and an iPad (in addition to my Windows notebook) successfully (in all cases using Dropbox). However, when I tried to connect my wife's iPhone this did not work.
    Dropbox installed OK, and the vault is there. Upon running 1Password, I specify that it sync with Dropbox, and Dropbox asks that allow 1Password to access it. I agree, and screen returns to 1Password - which then closes without explanation. When I restart 1Password, it states that 1Password closed unexpectedly, and do I wish to send a report. I sent the report (so you may now have more of an idea as to what is going wrong).
    Could you let me know as soon as possible? Thank you.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @DavidNash44: It sounds like there may be a bad interaction with the Dropbox app. When Dropbox is installed on an iOS device, 1Password will hand off authentication to Dropbox when you setup sync. For reasons I don't understand (not working for Dropbox myself), we occasionally find that this is failing for some reason.

    Please try uninstalling the Dropbox app temporarily, restart the iOS device, and then setup Dropbox Sync in 1Password. 1Password can actually handle this all on its own, and then once you have sync setup, you can reinstall Dropbox if you wish.

    If you're still having trouble though, the best thing to do will be to generate a diagnostic report and send it to so we can look at the logs to determine exactly what is happening:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (iOS)*

    *In 1Password Settings > Advanced > Diagnostics > Log Settings, enable App, Agile Keychain, Cloud Keychain, Dropbox, and Sync

    Just be sure to include a link to this forum thread and your username in the email so we can 'connect the dots'. We will get to the bottom of this! :)

  • DavidNash44
    Community Member

    I uninstalled Dropbox, then ran 1Password (setting up Dropbox from there). It now works!
    There is probably no need to re-install Dropbox (I thought it has to be installed on the device).

    Thank you very much for your help. It is much appreciated!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I uninstalled Dropbox, then ran 1Password (setting up Dropbox from there). It now works!

    Excellent! Thanks for the update. :)

    There is probably no need to re-install Dropbox (I thought it has to be installed on the device).

    Not a problem. It doesn't need to be installed at all if you only want to use 1Password. I just know that some folks like to use the Dropbox app for other things, so I wanted to make it clear that you should be able to if you want. ;)

    Thank you very much for your help. It is much appreciated!

    You are most welcome! I'm glad to hear that all is well. It sounds like you should be all set, but don't hesitate to reach out if we can be of further assistance. We're always here to help! :chuffed:

This discussion has been closed.