Second taskbar button won't go away, and can't reorder Favorites

Hi, got two annoyances here, curious if they're known bugs or not :-)

First, often when I unlock my 1Password vault (usually after a reboot), there's a second taskbar button with the 1Password logo on it. There's no visible window attached to this button, but to make it go away I have to kill the 1Password processes (two of them, I assume Helper is one) and restart it (and then relaunch the Helper from the Help menu to get the browser integration working again). It seems like this happens every other launch or a bit less frequently. If I close the main window (leaving tray icon only), this second task bar button stays around, there doesn't appear to be a way to get rid of it other than killing 1Password fully as I mentioned and restarting.

Second, I have a newly added Favorite login. It started at the bottom of the Favorites list. I right-clicked and chose Move Favorite Up, and the first time it worked. However, now it won't move. I want it closer to the top of my Favorites, but it won't go any farther. I just tried and can move it back down to the bottom, then back up, but it won't go up by more than one (and the third-from-bottom won't go down either). The list refreshes after a pause (it locks up for at least a few seconds when doing literally anything, this isn't abnormal) but the order hasn't changed.

I figured I'd adjust the order on iOS and let it sync but I can't figure out how to adjust the order in iOS either, so there is that :-)

Oh, one other smaller item (bonus!), I had a wireless connection but no Internet earlier (still diagnosing, wired works) but when 1Password launched after a reboot, it froze on checking for a version update. When I tried to cancel, it went grey and Windows told me it hung. Would be nice if the update check didn't freeze the whole app and prevent Cancel from being clicked (or at least timed out in a few seconds) rather than requiring that I kill the processes and relaunch :-)

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10 64-bit on Surface Pro 3
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Hi @dszp,

    First, often when I unlock my 1Password vault (usually after a reboot), there's a second taskbar button with the 1Password logo on it.

    Are you using the Unlock on Secure Desktop feature?

    This is unusual, I haven't seen this behavior before. Did this started recently or has it always been an issue since you started using 1Password?

    I just tried and can move it back down to the bottom, then back up, but it won't go up by more than one (and the third-from-bottom won't go down either

    What about the item above it, can you try to move it up and down? Usually, this is caused by outdated data records and 1Password can't update it. We sometime see this with sync conflicts as well.

    Please use this guide to generate the 1Password diagnostic report and email it to us at Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so that we can connect the email to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

    Would be nice if the update check didn't freeze the whole app and prevent Cancel from being clicked (or at least timed out in a few seconds) rather than requiring that I kill the processes and relaunch :-)

    We do agree, it would be nice. The issue is that the UI and the network code is in the same thread, we need to split the network code into its own worker thread, which is something we want to do a lot in many of the areas of 1Password on Windows via a future version.

  • dszp
    Community Member
    edited March 2016

    @MikeT Thanks, I've sent the diagnostics report. I've tried moving the items above and below in the favorites, they seem to move fine except that one that won't move higher than 2nd-from-bottom which will move back and forth but won't move higher. It is a new entry I created in the last couple of days, and it has no URL though it's an item with type Login. It does have a note, a couple of custom text fields, and two other custom password fields (it's some encryption keys and a password for another tool), and the URL field is blank.

    The second-phantom-window thing has happened off and on since I installed 1Password last November, but it seems to be more frequent. I always install the latest beta if available, and it's happened infrequently enough that I've not reported it or seen a pattern, only that it seems to maybe be happening a bit more frequently lately. But I don't reboot often, so it's hard to notice a pattern since once it works it's tends to keep working.

    I occasionally use the Unlock on Secure Desktop option, but I do not have it forced and definitely don't use it all the time. I don't think I used it when I unlocked this morning when it happened.

    I figured the threading was the issue--I'm fine living with the issue for now since I know any time fixing it is being spent instead working on the new Teams-support version, which I fully endorse :-) (Heck I almost hate to report these issues for the same reason...)

  • Hi @dszp,

    Thanks, I've sent the diagnostics report.

    Thanks, I've got the report and will reply to you there.

    ref: AQP-35282-462

    It does have a note, a couple of custom text fields, and two other custom password fields (it's some encryption keys and a password for another tool), and the URL field is blank.

    What happens if you add a URL, does it work better?

    I always install the latest beta if available, and it's happened infrequently enough that I've not reported it or seen a pattern, only that it seems to maybe be happening a bit more frequently lately.

    Hmm, that's weird. I'll ask about it in the email.

    I figured the threading was the issue--I'm fine living with the issue for now since I know any time fixing it is being spent instead working on the new Teams-support version, which I fully endorse :-) (Heck I almost hate to report these issues for the same reason...)

    Report the issues as you get them because there's a chance it could also affect the next version. Even though it is not likely since the new version is an overhaul, we need to make sure it doesn't happen there as well.

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