advocating 1PT for my company

I have used, relied on, loved, promoted (all the stuff you expect!) 1P for many years. I use it on Mac/iOS. I am trying to promote 1PT in my company where there is a mix of Mac/Windows use. I do not have a Windows 10 box (most here don't yet), so 1PT for Windows is tough to track and promote. Is there a release thread of some sort I can join so I can encourage those that are using the 1PT for Windows beta to get updates and such and for them/myself to see changlogs/release notes?

I've noticed a significant disparity between the Mac and Windows 1P apps. I'll often suggest someone do something and they cannot do what I might do in 1P for Mac in 1P for Windows. Is there a plan to bring them to parity?

I've moved all of my own business 1P items to our 1PT vaults and the couple of people that are part of our POC use said vaults on occasion, but I want to really ramp up that use, get more people involved, and get our company officially using 1PT. I'd like to have better and more ammunition to keep 1PT on our company's radar and get people excited about it!


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • MikeT
    edited March 2016

    Hi @wagnerone,

    First, thank you for being so excited about 1Password for Teams and for wanting more of it.

    A brand new version of 1Password for Windows is in development to bring support for 1Password for Teams (and Familes) but we do not have a timeframe on this. We will announce the beta of the new version here and/or our Windows Desktop Beta forum. We are making sure it is consistent with 1Password apps on other platforms as well.

    For now, we don't have any other information we can share. 1Password for Teams is also still in the beta stage of development, so that also can be a con if you try to promote it too early.

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