windows b5

In response to

Rob addressed most of these points here:

But I'll try to answer more directly:

1) I'd say that it is unlikely that we will have a stable (i.e. non-beta) release of the Windows 7 compatible application with Teams support within the next 2-3 months. I don't have any real insider knowledge here, but just looking at the typical software development lifecycle it doesn't seem likely we'd be able to: finish development of a beta, push that beta out, have it tested thoroughly, work out all of the important kinks, write up documentation, and everything else that goes along with releasing a new software product in that short amount of time.

2) If you haven't canceled your subscription by the end of the "free" period, then yes, your card will be charged at that point regardless of what platform you or your family / team members are accessing the service from. If you do choose to cancel your subscription before that point you will not be charged, your data will go into read-only mode, and you can re-activate full functionality by re-activating your subscription.

3) As Rob mentioned we run promotions fairly often. Some of them will be more or less beneficial to each individual than others. Everyone here can benefit from the permanent additions that will be added to their account if they take advantage. I'm sorry that you feel that as a Windows user you will not be able to take full advantage of the additional free time because we will not have a stable Windows 7 compatible release before the end of it. Hopefully we can offer other promotions in the future that will be more attractive to you. For example, we have a set of Quests within the app that help you setup your team and make you and expert. Once you finish all of them you get an additional month free. You could wait until the Windows 7 app is available to complete the last step of this quest and redeem your free month.

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