Scollbar in the item editor - request update from June 2015 thread [not implemented, yet]

Community Member
edited March 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Good day, I hope your day is going well!
First, I'm new, just hopped on the android and windows bus with you guys for good! Sorry I'm not a mac user (Yet). I've been looking forever for a good password protection program and I'm certain this is it.
One caveat, my very first entry creating my passwords and such, I added some necessary fields and sections, then I found I couldn't scroll down to click save!
I realized I could minimize the sections and voila. Then I though this might be a bug, why wouldn't you have a scroll bar!
Long and behold I found a note going back to 2015 someone mentioned just that. We're now almost a year later and will that be forthcoming?

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: None


  • Hey @Burkster,

    I'm sorry to say that we haven't gotten around to implementing this, yet.
    On the surface this sounds like an easy issue to fix but it really isn't and requires substantial changes to the way 1Password draws windows.

    We are aware of this shortcoming and it is on our list of outstanding improvements.

    Please let us know if we can help you with anything else.

This discussion has been closed.