May I run 1Password w/o using online storage, keeping all info on my PC?

I've never used a password manager-- I've simply kept a (locked) Excel file of all websites & passwords. But with almost 100 sites, I inevitably got lazy and started using one password for all the "unimportant" sites. Over the past two years, several of those sites have been hacked, and I now realize that I simply have to do a better job at securing my I'm turning to 1Password, based on a lot of user reviews.

However, I'm an old f--t, and almost pathologically paranoid about putting important personal data in any location other than my own computer. My concern is that, in reading the startup instructions, it mentions the need for a Dropbox folder. As I said, I'm uneasy storing my data on some server out in never-never land. I really don't care how secure Dropbox may be, I'd really like to retain ALL my info on my own PC. ...I know, I know, I'm repeating myself. Comes with advanced age (and approaching senility? ...maybe). I just want to impress upon you my feelings.

So far I've resisted enticements to use cloud storage, or any other remote server or web-based set-up. At this time, I have no huge need to sync up my password application to my iPhone (...that could change in the future, I guess).

But to start out, is it possible to use 1Password without a Dropbox account?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: ug:windows/first-launch, ug:windows/requirements, ug:windows/main-program, kb-search:dropbox, kb:dropbox-app-not-installed


  • OffGrid9
    Community Member

    Oops. I forgot to give you my OS version. It's Windows 7 Pro (...I'm sticking with 7 because I like it better than 8 or 10).

  • Sanosuke
    Community Member

    Hi OffGrid9,

    It's definitely possible. Your 1password vault is stored in an encrypted file which can either be located on your machine locally or in the cloud.

    I would advise that if you upload your 1password vault to the cloud there is still a significant amount of protection as the actual file that comprises the vault is itself encrypted and only accessible using the 1password app for Windows, Mac or mobile devices. This might help alleviate your concern re: cloud storage - if your dropbox gets hacked someone would still need to hack the 1password vault to access your passwords which would be difficult to say the least.

    I hope this helps!

    Take care,

  • OffGrid9
    Community Member

    Yes, James, it helps! Thanks.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @OffGrid9: Indeed, your 1Password data is end-to-end encrypted, so 1Password simply doesn't depend on the sync service to protect your data. 1Password is secure by design, not by chance.

    While you can absolutely use Wi-Fi Sync locally, I really prefer Dropbox Sync because — once it's setup — it sync my data automatically in the background between all of my devices. It's good to have options!

    Be sure to let us know if you have any other questions. We're always here to help! :)

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