Loaded a Dropbox sync from Mac on to Windows and all info is blank

So essentially, I have the same issue as this post here: https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/35811/password-and-username-fields-blank-on-1password-windows-vs-1password-mac-and-ios-using-dropbox-sync

But the resolve did not work for me. All my items are listed in the windows app, they just don't have any info. I did send a diagnostics report in advance.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 7
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • MikeT
    edited March 2016

    Hi @basicnoir,

    That may mean that your encryption key hasn't been sync'ed properly.

    I can't find any emails with your forum's email address. Could you tell me if you got an auto-reply from our BitBot with a support ID? If yes, please let us know that ID and we'll look into it ASAP.

  • basicnoir
    Community Member

    I did not, if I click either "email to AgileBits" or "export to file" it... it seems to awknowledge that I clicked it, but nothing happens. No confirmation or prompt window...

  • Hi @basicnoir,

    We would either give you a file to save or open up your email client with the file attached, so there's something on your PC that's blocking 1Password from doing that.

    Can you try this:

    1. Open Windows File Explorer, type %TEMP% in the address bar, and press Enter. Keep this window open.
    2. Open 1Password but do not unlock, instead go to the Help Menu > Diagnostics Report > Export to File.
    3. The Windows File Explorer window should update to add new files starting with 1Password.. and/or a zip file called 1Password.zip. If you see 1Password.zip file, attach that file to an email to support+windows@agilebits.com and send it.
    4. If you don't see 1Password.zip, collect all files starting with 1Password but not ending in .exe and compress it into a zip file. Send it to us at support+windows@agilebits.com.

    In the email, please also include the link to this thread and your forum username.

    Let me know when you sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • basicnoir
    Community Member
    edited March 2016

    Sent from my work email, it's [edited by MikeT: removed personal info]. ...nothing seemed to go as hoped. :(

  • Hi @basicnoir,

    Please do share any personal info in the public support forum here. I've removed the info from your post.

    We got the report and will reply to your email ASAP.

    ref: PFN-74953-643

  • basicnoir
    Community Member

    Thank you on both counts.

  • You're welcome.

  • basicnoir
    Community Member

    Any word on solutions?

  • Not yet, our email team will reply to your email directly once we have something.

  • basicnoir
    Community Member

    They gave me a small nudge, I emailed them back, thanks for the heads up.

  • I've replied to your email. There's no need to update this thread, we will reply as soon as we can here and in the emails as well.

This discussion has been closed.