preventing browser extensions from communicating with the 1Password

I try to use the browser extension (Chrome, firefox, etc.) an i always get the following message:

Either the helper is not running, or something is preventing it from communicating with the 1Password browser extension.
What does the helper do?
What might be causing the problem?

Im using Windows 10 with the symantec internet security.
I already tried to switch of the firewall, but i have still the same problems.

Could someone help me?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:cannot-install-extension


  • Hi @sandman2016,

    1Password Helper is a local program we run on your computer to communicate with the 1Password extensions in your browsers. The 1Password extensions does not have a UI or any data, it gets it from the 1Password Helper that is reading your data files on the drive and when you tell 1Password Helper what item to fill, 1Password Helper sends it to the extension to fill the data.

    Can you tell me if you're using a VPN, proxy, or anything that monitor or interferes with the communications on your computer?

    Is Symantec the only security tool you have?

  • sandman2016
    Community Member

    Hallo Mike,

    Thanks for your answer.

    No I don't use a VPN or something similar.
    Just a normal Setting with Router and Internet Connection.

    Yes Symantec ist the only Security Tool.

  • Hi @sandman2016,

    Please use this guide to generate the 1Password diagnostic report and email it to us at Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so that we can connect the email to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • sandman2016
    Community Member


    I´m not sure but i blelieve your guide is not really useable for the windows 10 App.

    I created manually a Log File Text and send you this text per mail.

    Best regards

  • MikeT
    edited March 2016

    Hi @sandman2016,

    Okay, that explains the problem. There is no browser extension support for the beta version of the Windows 10 app, you can only use the Windows desktop version of 1Password for the 1Password extensions.

    In the Windows 10 app, you can click on the Browse button on the bottom right to use our built-in 1Browser app for the filling support.

    Are you using the 1Password for Teams/family service?

  • sandman2016
    Community Member

    Hallo Mike,

    ah ok.

    Yes I'm using 1password for Family together with my wife.

  • Hi @sandman2016,

    Unfortunately, there is no 1Password client ready yet on Windows that lets you have Teams and extensions together. We're working on a major update to 1Password for Windows to bring that support but we don't have a timeframe on when it'll be released.

    For now, the Browse button in the Windows 10 app can do the filling in its own 1Browser. You can see this in action here:

  • sandman2016
    Community Member

    Hallo Mike,

    ok thanks for this information.
    This feature is very important for us (online banking, etc.). At the moment we use the 30 day free trial version.
    Keep me updated when the support for the Windows 10 App is completed, then we will try again.
    But for the moment we have to look for another solution.


  • Hi @sandman2016,

    I understand but that does mean that the 1Password for Families does not meet your needs for now. The standalone version of 1Password will do what you want but the Families service won't be ready in time before your 30-day trial expires.

    Note that the standalone Windows license does let you share the same license with up to 5 family members of the household.

    The sandboxing in the Windows Store apps doesn't allow us to integrate with external browsers easily, so it is not coming any time soon to the Windows 10 version of 1Password. It is on our list to find a workaround or hopefully, Microsoft will add easier support for this in the future Windows 10 updates.

This discussion has been closed.