I have a new computer (windows10) and would like to transfer all of 1password to new machine - help

I have 1Password - 12/28/2014 on an older machine (Win7) and would like to transfer the license and all of the content to the new machine (Win10)

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb-search:how to move to new computer, kb:purchase-verification, kb:upgrade-license


  • Hi @Trog,

    Before you do anything, I recommend updating 1Password on your old PC. Open 1Password and go to the Help Menu > Check for New Version.

    I have a few questions before we proceed:

    1. Do you use any sync services on your PC, like OneDrive or Dropbox?
    2. Are you currently syncing your 1Password data with other computers or mobile devices, or is the data only stored on your old PC?
    3. Do you plan to keep your old PC and if yes, do you want to keep your 1Password data in sync with both PCs?
  • Trog
    Community Member

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for getting back to me.
    I will update on old PC
    1. I use DropBox but only use it as a place to manually share docs
    2. 1Password is only used on my PC - everything is on my old PC
    3. I will keep the old machine alive but wasn't planning on keeping the password data synched with the new.

    Thanks for the help -- off to update


  • Trog
    Community Member

    Now on version

  • Hi @Trog,

    I will keep the old machine alive but wasn't planning on keeping the password data synched with the new.

    Can you tell us what you'd like to do now?

    If you decide to sync with Dropbox, it'd be easier to set it up on the new PC. All you would have to do is install Dropbox, wait for it to finish its sync, and then install 1Password, it'll automatically open the vault data from Dropbox. Here's the guide on how to proceed, skip to step 2. Any changes you make from now on, will be automatically sync'ed by Dropbox to both computers.

    If you don't want to sync, what you can do is:

    1. First, save your license key for 1Password, if you haven't done so, as a Software License item in your 1Password database. Open the main 1Password on your old PC, unlock, and go to the Help Menu > Enter License Key to copy the license key.
    2. Create a new Software License item to save this license key for 1Password and then close 1Password via the File Menu > Exit
    3. Copy over the entire 1Password folder in your Documents directory, put it in the same directory on the new PC
    4. Download and install 1Password from our site
    5. Reboot your PC and open the main 1Password app, unlock, and you should see your data now.
    6. Register 1Password by finding that Software License item for 1Password, copy the license key and enter it via the Help Menu > Enter License Key.

    I hope that helps.

  • Trog
    Community Member

    Thank you....a client's IT group didn't let us use DropBox because it didn't meet their security requirements. I suspect you disagree since you've encouraged me to use it.

    Your thoughts on DropBox security is appreciated

    Thanks, Trog

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2016

    @Trog: They may very well not want you to use Dropbox for certain things — perhaps for some sort of compliance reasons. But for our purposes syncing with Dropbox is an excellent (and free!) choice. And your 1Password data is end-to-end encrypted, so 1Password simply doesn't depend on the sync service to protect your data. 1Password is secure by design, not by chance. I hope this helps. Be sure to let us know if you have any other questions! :)

  • Hi @Trog,

    It is up to you, we wouldn't want you to use anything you're not comfortable with. As Brenty mentioned, we built your data file to be protected at all time by ensuring it is encrypted first before it even leaves your local disk. In other words, the data file is protected by a very strong encryption that's the same on your local drive and in your "remote folders",

    Your IT group may be worried about you putting unprotected files in Dropbox, which is a very good reason because Dropbox owns the encryption keys to files on their servers but it doesn't apply to your 1Password files because it's encrypted with your master password that no one else but you know. You could choose to use Dropbox only for 1Password files if you want, many of our users are doing this.

    Some users use OneDrive instead because it's built-in with Windows 10 but the only reason not to use this is that our mobile apps do not support OneDrive for the moment.

  • Trog
    Community Member


    Thanks for the help - I will use Dropbox - i think their concern is as mentioned above....I'll let you know how it goes!


  • Trog
    Community Member

    Done! used the Dropbox synch - all set!

    You guys are great - thanks for the help!

  • That's great to hear and you're welcome!

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