1Password Portable version

With all the emphasis on the Teams and Family version of 1Password, I hope that Agilebits won't neglect a previous request of making 1Password portable (USB Key)?

It had been previously been stated that the Windows version required ActiveX. Has that been deprecated in future versions?

1Password Version: Windows
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • MikeT
    edited March 2016

    Hi @wkleem,

    We do not share details about our current development about future products nor anything else about the future, we don't know what may or may not come in the future.

    We will share more information when we release the first public beta or the first stable release.

    It's not about ActiveX, we also have other components that we have to register to make 1Password work the way it does.

    Are we developing the next version to reduce dependences, that's the goal but will it go all the way to being completely portable without any installation process, we don't know.

    We're not going to do this if it means less features that customers want to use all the time but we will do everything we can to reduce any dependences on external stuff to make 1Password more self-contained than it is now.

  • lbates35406
    Community Member

    I think this is being "over engineered". What most people want is the ability to copy the password database to a USB key (I use Apricorn Aegis Secure Key (hardware encrypted with keypad built in). An have a read-only version of 1Password available that can be used to look up passwords. No modification, syncing, browser integration, etc. required. Just a good way to move all the passwords around on a secure USB device. I can do it with KeePass, but not 1Password (which I like better).

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @lbates35406: You can copy your vault to a USB drive now. That doesn't seem over-engineered to me. I do this on occasion myself, mostly for backup purposes, but you can use the vault on a USB drive with 1Password for Windows just fine too. Now, regarding the app itself, you can also store the installer there too, in case you need it on a new machine. As far as I can remember, 1Password itself has never used ActiveX. However, the Internet Explorer add-on is ActiveX-based of course. As Mike said, we don't currently have plans specifically to make the app itself portable, but it may be something we can do in the future. However, it probably isn't something we'd be able to justify putting a lot of resources behind, given that not many people would use that functionality...but it may be something that we're able to do anyway. :)

  • lbates35406
    Community Member

    Having the vault on a USB drive doesn't solve my (and I think other user's) problem. I want to be able to carry my passwords on a secure hardware encrypted USB flash drive. I want to be able to plug it into a Windows machine and run a Windows .exe to access the passwords. I want to plug it into a Mac machine and run a Mac .dmg to access the passwords. I don't care about Internet Explorer add-ons, ActiveX, etc. I'll copy/paste the passwords I need, no integration is required. I want a simple portable client that can be used to access the vault in read-only mode. I use some really long and secure passwords. Typing them manually from my iPhone is difficult.

  • Hi @lbates35406,

    Majority of our users use 1Password specifically for its integration with browsers and we will continue to make it a core feature of 1Password.

    I understand your specific use case but 1Password is not meant for that kind of usage nor do we have any plans to handle it either.

    I would recommend looking at a different tool that's designed specifically for your needs, which 1Password is not.

  • lbates35406
    Community Member

    Will do and sorry for wasting your time with a suggestion on how to make the product better.

  • We certainly appreciate your feedback on how to improve our product, thank you for sharing it.

    Just to be clear, we still plan to make 1Password portable if we can, it's just not the sole priority nor the goal for 1Password.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2016

    @lbates35406: Indeed, it isn't a waste of time in the least! After all, if no one like you take the time to let us know they want this feature, it probably won't be something we'd ever consider on our own since, as Mike mentioned, this just isn't the use 1Password was designed for.

    As I mentioned earlier, while making 1Password portable is not a priority (whereas browser integration, as Mike mentioned, is) knowing that you and others would find that feature useful we can keep that in mind as we develop new versions of the app — rather than not giving it any thought at all. Ultimately you should certainly use the tool that works best for you now, but someday if we're able to grant your wish then it's something you can take into consideration at that time.

    I'm sorry that we can't give a simple "yes!" but we want to be as honest and straightforward about our goals with 1Password, rather than leave you hanging on some false hope.

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