Attachments will not open on iphone

I just purchased the pro version on my iphone. I synced my iphone to my windows PC using wi-fi sync. The sync successfully moved over several attachments from my PC to my iphone. They show up successfully on my iphone. When I open them, the iphone shows a screen that says LOADING (with a spinner icon) and never does anything. I have tried different attachment names and different extensions with no success (BMP, JPG, PDF, etc). Any ideas?

1Password Version: 6.2.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: WIN XP SP3
Sync Type: WIFI


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @long_john_silver: I'm sorry for the trouble! First and foremost, be sure to update to the current version of 1Password for iOS from the App Store.

    Which version of 1Password are you using on your PC? That may be relevant — or at least allow us to test it ourselves. Are you able to open the attachments there?

    Also, if you are using the AgileKeychain format for you vault in 1Password for Windows, attachments cannot sync via Wi-Fi.

    Please let me know what you find, and be sure to let me know if there are other OS and 1Password version you're using as well. I look forward to hearing back form you! :)

  • long_john_silver
    Community Member
    edited March 2016

    Uh oh. New problem. I followed your advice and updated 1password on my iphone 6 plus to version 6.3.1. WIFI sync no longer works now. I am running the newest version of 1password on my windows XP SP3 system ( Up until the update, wifi sync worked fine. Now, when I follow the same steps I did yesterday, the 1password desktop log file shows during the handshake, the synchronization just hangs.

    Going back to the attachments issue, yes, I could open the attachments on the desktop, just not on the iphone.

    I am using the OPVAULT format.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @long_john_silver: Oh dear! I'm not sure what could have gone wrong there, but there are a few things you can try, each of which should get it working again:

    1. Restart 1Password for iOS
    2. Restart your iPhone and PC
    3. Backup your data, disable Wi-Fi Sync, and then set it up again (generating a new "secret" on the PC)

    Please let me know which one does the trick. Thanks in advance! :)

  • long_john_silver
    Community Member

    1) Done
    2) Done
    3) Done

    None of the above has fixed the problem. If I purposely put in a wrong secret key, I get an error that the password is wrong. If I correct it though, same issue. The log shows authentication happens but it gets stuck on the handshake.

    Normally I get asked for my password in 1Password for Windows to start the sync but it doesn't even get to that point. Phone says sync started but computer does nothing (remains in IDLE status).

    Here is the sync log from Windows [full session ID redacted]:

    <-- [auth] --> [auth] {"timestamp":1458047612,"session":"18************263C","request":"auth","version":1,"capabilities":["attachments"]}

    <-- [handshake] {"request":"handshake","session":"18**********263C","timestamp":1458047613}

    Again, up until the iOS 1Password upgrade, wifi sync worked fine using the same computer, same steps I've always done.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @long_john_silver: I'm sorry that didn't help. At this point, the best thing to do will be to restart each device, reproduce the same issue, and then generate a diagnostic report for each and send it to so we can look at the logs to determine exactly what is happening:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Windows)

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (iOS)*

    *In 1Password Settings > Advanced > Diagnostics > Log Settings, enable App, Sync, and Wi-Fi Sync

    Just be sure to include a link to this forum thread and your username in the email so we can 'connect the dots'. Also, knowing your timezone and the date/time of the incident will help us find it in the logs. We will get to the bottom of this! :)

  • long_john_silver
    Community Member

    I figured it out. I am running Windows XP. I had checked "Unlock on Secure Desktop" in my preferences and that was preventing the sync up. It is working fine now. Thank you for your help.

    One last a result of getting everything working, I have upgraded my Windows version to a paid license (already had a paid version on my iPhone).

    I know you are allowed to put it on six windows computers. I have four. If I were to have to re-install windows on all four computers for whatever reason and I re-registered 1Password on all four computers, would your server now think I was trying to register it on 8 computers and deny me registration on two of them? How are situations handled like this where you are still actively only running it on 6 computers (or less) but you have registered more than 6 times if that makes sense.

    Thank you.

  • MikeT
    edited March 2016

    Hi @long_john_silver,

    I'm glad you got it to work now.

    I know you are allowed to put it on six windows computers.

    It's 6 human family members, not computers. You can install it any number of computers you have and you can share the license with up to 5 additional family members of the household. Each family member can also use it on any numbers of PCs.

    We do not keep track of activations, installs or computers like this, so you do not have to de-activate your license on old computers at all.

  • long_john_silver
    Community Member

    Got it!

    Thank you for all your help.

    Glad to be on board with AgileBits.

  • You're welcome!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I am running Windows XP. I had checked "Unlock on Secure Desktop" in my preferences and that was preventing the sync up. It is working fine now.

    And just to clarify for anyone else who might run into a similar issue, Secure Desktop is a feature built into Windows 7, 8, and 10, so while 1Password for Windows will technically run on Windows XP, this feature will not work there. Cheers! :)

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