How to enable 1Password Anywhere

Hi, I just installed 1Password on a new machine and create a new vault (new user). The vault was created on dropbox but no html files were created. What do I need to do to create this vault so that it supports 1Password Anywhere?


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Sanosuke
    Community Member
    edited March 2016

    Hi DaveFL,

    There are security concerns related to enabling 1Password Anywhere, that is why the HTML is not longer created. There are other posts in the forums regarding these concerns from some of the 1Password staff.

    That being said, it is possible to enable this feature, this short video will explain how.

    Please not that the link provided in the description of the video links directly to a 1Password HTML file provided by a staff member in the forums.

    This is a link to the recent post from AgileBits staff regarding security, etc.

    Take care,

  • DaveFL
    Community Member

    Thanks I really don't know why they removed this. This feature has saved my ass! I just copied the .html from my existing account and it worked.

    Just an example of how USEFUL this is and I hope someone from Agilebits reads this. My guess is they are removing it because they want to push people onto their "family product".

    I left my phone in a cab while I was on business. Well guess what I don't know my IOS password so was unable to launch find my iPhone. So I logged into my dropbox from a SECURE network (this is why you dont want 2 factor auth on your dropbox). I was able to open my vault and get my iOS password and login to icloud. My phone was at the airport but nobody was answering - probably because the phone was on vibrate. After causing the phone to alert from icloud I called again. This time the cab driver answered. 30 minutes later I had my phone!

    To be honest, if it wasn't for this feature I might not have gotten my phone back or at least that quickly. So at least give your users an option on this. I use the web interface a few times a year tops and when I do I'm fully aware of the potential risks.

  • Sanosuke
    Community Member

    I agree with you, that's why I've decided to go ahead and use the feature. It's not something I would use on the regular, but in the event I lose my wallet, phone, etc. It's nice to be able to access your information as long as you know your dropbox password and master pass!

    Take care,

  • MikeT
    edited March 2016

    Hi guys,

    1PasswordAnywhere has been removed because it does not benefit from the latest security changes we've been making to the OPVault format for the past few years. 1PasswordAnywhere is tied to the older Agile Keychain format and it isn't feasible to try to update it to use the newer and much stronger OPVault format that is harder to optimize in a single HTML/JS file.

    We do not recommend relying on this feature forever, it will stop working eventually due to lack of updates and browsers continue to increase their security.

    As for Families/Teams, yes we are recommending the use of this for some folks who needs web access to 1Password often. We can control the entire stack from the server to the files and make updates faster than what we can do with a single file on someone else's service.

  • Sanosuke
    Community Member

    See, my problem is I JUST purchased 1Password for Windows - 3 copies in December for myself as well as 2 family members, so I'm a little hesitant to go ahead and spend more money on a new product when I just purchased the old product. It would be nice to have that functionality built into 1Password for windows.

  • Hi @Sanosuke,

    I understand. Just to be clear on a few things:

    1. 1Password for Families/Teams isn't a new product to replace existing apps, it will complement them. Although, we are working on a brand new version of 1Password for Windows to support Families as a feature. I don't have a timeframe on when it is coming.
    2. Our standalone licenses include the free family sharing, the single copy can be shared with up to 5 family members of the household, you didn't have to buy three separate copies. Could you get in touch with us at with your license information and we'll see what we can do.
  • Sanosuke
    Community Member

    Hi MikeT,

    You are a gentleman and a scholar, thank you very much for this helpful advice!

    Take care,

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Sanosuke: I agree! I'm sorry for any confusion that our new 1Password for Families/Teams service may have caused, but I'm glad Mike was able to help clear things up. Be sure to reach out if you have questions about that or anything else in the future. It's always a pleasure. :chuffed:

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