I can't get 1password to work with a site that requires you to tab from user name to password

Community Member
edited March 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

A site requires you to tab from user name to password. How do you make 1password do that?


  • Hi @jsferg,

    Would it be possible to let us know what the site is, so we can test it and see if we can work around it. If you want, you can also email us at support+windows@agilebits.com to keep this private.

    The 1Password extension does not handle tabbing, we update the fields by replacing its value via the site's source code. Usually that's all that needs to be done, even if the site wants you to tab. In fact, the extension don't use your keyboard at all.

    However, we do have Auto-Type feature that uses the keyboard to type the username, tab, type the password, and press enter optionally if auto-submit is turned on.

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