How do I manually update a password on windows PC?

I can easily update a password manually using my iPhone app, but can't figure out how to do the same on my windows PC. It's not very intuitive if the option is there.

1Password Version: 4.6.0
Extension Version: 604
OS Version: Windows 7 SP1
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:How do I manually update a password on windows PC?


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @wjmano: Hmm. I think I see your point! Given the (relatively) small screens of iOS devices, everything has to kind of be in the same spot...which probably makes it easier to find.

    Are you perhaps trying to find a way to edit an item in the web browser on your PC? If so, the browser extension can only be used for saving and filling logins. It's meant to provide quick access, rather than be a full-featured application.

    In order to edit them (or manage your vault in general), you'll need to open the main 1Password app. You can either do this from the Start menu, a shortcut on the desktop or task bar, or by clicking the 1Password icon in your browser and selecting Open 1Password. From there, you can create, edit, and delete data in your vault.

    I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • wjmano
    Community Member

    You said "From there, you can create, edit, and delete data in your vault." Once I open 1Password on my windows PC how do I manually update the password for one of my entries? There is no clear way to do this in the windows app.

  • Hi @wjmano,

    Once you have 1Password in front of you, select the entry you wish to update with a new password, and click on the pen icon in the upper right hand corner of the pane that holds the item details.

    A new window will open and at the bottom you will find the web form details. Double click on the password entry and edit the "value" field.

    I hope this helps.

  • Sanosuke
    Community Member

    Hi Wjmano,

    Just to add to Alex's information you could look at this video which details where the edit button is and where you can edit your passwords. The section you are interested in starts around 2:43 in the video.

    Take care,

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Sanosuke: Indeed, I'm sorry for not being clearer! While I typically right-click to perform actions on items in my vault, you can also use the toolbar buttons above the item details as well:

    Sanosuke's video has a lot of useful information, so be sure to check it out when you have time. But I wanted to post the screenshot since it pertains to the specific thing you're looking for right now. Cheers! :)

  • wjmano
    Community Member

    Thanks for all the advice and the video. On a related question, some of my login items have multiple "password" entries in the bottom section. One may have "password" in the type column and "none" in the designation column. While another may have the word "password" in both the type and designation columns. I'm guessing I should edit the line item with "password" in the designation column when I want to change my password. Is this correct?

  • MikeT
    edited March 2016

    Hi @wjmano,

    On a related question, some of my login items have multiple "password" entries in the bottom section.

    This happens when 1Password detected and saved a new Login item on the Change Password page for the site, the same page that often ask you to repeat the new password to confirm it, thus two password fields are saved in your Login item.

    We save as much as we can on the Login page, so that we can fill them all properly as not all sites uses just the usual username and password fields.

    I'm guessing I should edit the line item with "password" in the designation column when I want to change my password. Is this correct?

    We recommend that you use the browser extension to update your password, it will remove the extra fields if it doesn't need it.

    However, you should edit all rows with the same password to change it to the new password, not just one of them.

    We do plan to simplify this in the future, so that you only need to edit the main username / password fields and not worry about these extra fields.

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