Can't get a sync with my browzer (chrome or IE), have disabled Kaspersky- no good

Keep getting "Chrome is connected but its code signature could not be verified"

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: windows 7
Sync Type: dropbox
Referrer: kb:extension-troubleshooting, kb:configure-windows-firewall-proxy, kb:extension-troubleshooting, kb:configure-windows-firewall-proxy, kb:invalid-code-signature-win


  • Hi @BRAD4955,

    Do you have Kaspersky extensions installed for Chrome? If yes, can you disable it temporarily in Chrome, restart Chrome, and see if that helps.

    If not, please use this guide to generate the 1Password diagnostic report and email it to us at Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so that we can connect the email to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • BRAD4955
    Community Member

    I have done the disable Kaspersky thing, no good. Your directions for generating a diagnostic report also result in nothing! No file, no generation of an email, nothing!

  • Hi @BRAD4955,

    That's usually because something on the computer is blocking 1Password from creating such files, the same one that's blocking the Helper from working in Chrome.

    Can you email us without the report at with the link to this thread and we'll explain how to proceed there.

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