is there an option to sync vaults from windows to ios, that does not use dropbox?

Looking for local network sync of vaults, specifically from windows to ios devices

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:import, kb:teams-families-setup, kb:teams-families-migrate, kb:sync-options


  • Sanosuke
    Community Member

    Hi Trodrig,

    Let me direct you to the following page:

    this describes how you can sync 1Password for iOS using Wifi over your local network if you do not want to use Dropbox as a sync solution. I believe this should accomplish what you are hoping for. Let me know how it goes.

    Take care,

  • tcash19
    Community Member

    I have only been using 1Password for a few days, but originally I used Wi-Fi to sync between Windows and iPad/iPhone. It works okay, but requires you to enter master password on PC each time. I've switched over to Dropbox and find it to be much faster and automatic.

  • @trodrig66 - Were you able to find our user guide to sync using WiFi? Did you need further help? Thank you @Sanosuke for posting the link.

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