1password only works on main PC/ uploaded to Dropbox, I see logins, but on 2nd PC logons dont work

I haveinstalled 1password and dropbox on my Yoga PC. I click the 1password icon and it asks for me to unlock and I do, then it asks for my master password, which works fine and I get on 1password. I see all 36 of my logins with no problem, just like on my main PC. BUT<
when I click to use a login, the EDIT Logon screen from 1password is the only thing that comes up. It will not go to the website that I am trying to log on to.. ????
Can you help me. I think I am 95% there, just this last step...
Thank you

1Password Version: Ver
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: kb:sync-options, ug:windows/sync-dropbox, kb:sync-options


  • Hi Judy,

    Thanks for writing in. We're sorry about the trouble you're having there.
    You're perfectly right, you're almost there.

    For some reason the settings for this particular behaviour aren't identical on your two PCs. The fix for this is very simple:

    1. Open 1Password and click on _File > Preferences>.
    2. On the General tab look for the option Double-click.
    3. Set the Double-click option to Open the URL in web browser.

    Once you've confirmed this change by clicking OK in the preferences window, double-clicking a login item in 1Password will now open the item in the webbrowser and attempt to fill your login credentials.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if we can do anything else for you.

  • judymp
    Community Member

    Ok, I got it to work on my 2nd pc by doing this, now I cannot use 1Password on my main PC.. I see no logo's and it opens my site, but does not populate the password and ID ??????? Is 1password this difficult. I have it in my dropbox. Both PC's now say "open the URL in the web browser" HELP Please

  • judymp
    Community Member

    Hello Again, I am using 1Password now on my main PC, but my 2nd PC opens 1password but as I click on a site to log in, it just goes to the site and stays on the logon screen. Nothing populates.. Both PC's are set to "open URL"
    Can you help me out here ? I was under the understanding I could us 1Password on any PC, tablet or main PC.. ????
    Am I mistaken ???

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2016

    when I click to use a login, the EDIT Logon screen from 1password is the only thing that comes up. It will not go to the website that I am trying to log on to..

    @judymp: I also wanted to mention that you can also click the URL in an item's details to be taken to the website for 1Password to fill your saved login credentials.

    You can certainly use 1Password as you describe on multiple devices. But in order for any of this to work you'll need to do a few things first:

    It's impossible to say for certain since you haven't been specific, but it sounds like you may be using the Edge web browser. Is that correct? If so, it isn't possible for 1Password (or any app) to integrate with Edge. Consider using Chrome, Firefox, or Opera instead, as that will allow you to use the 1Password extension to fill logins for you. Please let me know what you find. I look forward to hearing back from you! :)

  • judymp
    Community Member

    i am using internet explorer... on both PC's, ... Is that a problem ? Do I have to use Chrome, or Firefox.. ???

  • judymp
    Community Member

    OH, and I have installed 1password on the 2nd PC.
    How do I let Dropbox sync my data... ??? I see my other files on dropbox and they seem to work fine with changes.
    Also, I have no idea what 1Password extension in the browser is ??

  • judymp
    Community Member

    Okay Support, I have done what you suggested and I have installed Chrome today and now and at least I am getting to the web site.. Let me keep testing for now... thank you Judy

  • Hi @judymp,

    The 1Password extension is something you install as an extra component to your browser, so that 1Password can fill your data in as well as saving your data within the browser. You'll see the 1Password icon in your browser's toolbar, click on it and you should get the 1Password menu to find your data and/or to select a Login item to fill when you're on a website.

    You can get an idea of how this works here: https://support.1password.com/guides/windows/use-saved-login.html

    I would recommend skimming through our quick start guide here: https://support.1password.com/guides/windows/quick-start.html

    To make sure the sync is working correctly between both PCs, add a new item in the 1Password program on the first PC and once you save this, wait a few minutes and see if it shows up automatically when you open the 1Password program on the second PC.

    Let us know if we can be of further assistance.

This discussion has been closed.