demo version

What are the limitations of the free demo version of 1P? There is a big difference between free and $50 per year!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: ug:windows/attachments, ug:windows/folders-and-tags, ug:windows/security-audit, kb-search:demo, kb:upgrade-license


  • Sanosuke
    Community Member

    Hi David,

    What product are you referring to when you speak about $50 per year? The 50 dollar license is not valid for only a year. If you sign up for a service such as 1Password for Teams or Families my understanding is this would operate as a subscription service, and cost approximately that much per year, however the standalone app for windows/mac does not require a yearly subscription.

    Take care,

  • DavidSpector
    Community Member

    James, I am retired and on a fixed income, so for ME there is a big difference between free and $50. The product is called 1Password, and my question is: what EXACTLY is the difference between the free demo version and the paid version. The website does not see fit to explain the difference in detail. Hoping this time you will answer my question, thanks.

  • @DavidSpector - We offer a free 30 day trial of 1Password. After the end of the 30-day trial, some restrictions will take force. If you’ve already added 20 or more items (Logins, Secure Notes, etc.) to 1Password, you will not be able to add any more. You will still be able to look up and view any passwords you’ve already created, and any data you’ve added to 1Password will remain safe and accessible, even after the end of the trial.

  • DavidSpector
    Community Member

    Thank you LauraR, that is very clear, and reasonable. I've been trying 1P out for a day so far, and find it more reliable than LastPass, though harder to use and extremely difficult to populate (import) from LastPass. I will need those 30 trial days to be sure that I can stay with 1P. I'm tempted to write my own password manager to implement a universal login interface where the user can choose which fields are used from the actual registration and login forms provided by websites. No product seems to realize the obvious and easy way to do this, and no product seems to handle logins that span multiple pages. Thanks for your quick and accurate response.

  • @DavidSpector - you are very welcome. When 1Password browser extension saves the login information for you, rather than manually adding a login in the 1Password app, it should add the correct fields. Please let us know if you come across a site where the correct fields aren't saved. We also have a great guide to help you set up a multiple page login.

This discussion has been closed.