Edit Logins from Browser Extension

I have 1Password for both Mac and PC. On the Mac, I can edit the login from the browser extension; however, the PC browser extension (1Password4 Chrome and IE) doesn't offer this. Is this the normal functionality? You can update on Mac but not PC? If so, when will the PC browser extensions offer this?

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 7, Service Pack 1
Sync Type: Local and DropBox
Referrer: kb-search:browser extension, ug:windows/browser-extensions, kb-search:browser extension, ug:mac/browser-preferences, kb-search:browser extension


  • Sanosuke
    Community Member

    Hi Jason,

    You can open the login you are interested in from the browser extension by right clicking on the entry and choosing the option to open it in the 1Password application.

    Take care,

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @jasonfullwit: Sanosuke is correct: that's a great shortcut! We'd also like to expand the functionality of the 1Password for Windows extensions in the future, but I don't have any updates to announce at this time. Thanks for letting us know that feature is something you'd find useful! :)

  • whitenk
    Community Member

    I found another thread where people have been asking about this since 2014:

    pretty frustrating that in 2016, your software still cannot do what it could do 3 years ago. Also really suggests that the Windows experience is a very very low priority compared to Mac experience.

  • I understand it is frustrating and I've explained why it happened in that thread you've linked.

    At the moment, our main focus is to bring Teams/Families support to a new version of 1Password on Windows but it is taking longer than expected. Unfortunately, we don't have a timeframe on this.

This discussion has been closed.