What about older Windows?

I was all excited about using 1Password for Teams, but we have not yet upgraded any of our computers to Windows 10. Does this mean we can't use it until we do so?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 7
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:teams-families-migrate


  • Hi @Elimadmin and thank you for your interest in 1Password for Teams. As you have seen already, we do have a Windows 10 app which is in beta, and works great with Teams. We built this from the ground up to use the latest and greatest technologies from Microsoft and it is available from the Windows Store.

    With that said, we know Windows 10 adoption is very small so since the beginning we have had a separate Windows team working on adding support for older versions of Windows. This is slower going as we're not able to use all the bells and whistles Microsoft has added in the last few versions. Once the new version is available, we will be announcing it in our newsletter (https://agilebits.com/newsletter) and on our blog (https://blog.agilebits.com).

    In the meantime you can access 1Password for Teams through a web browser and this works well on Windows 7 and Windows 8.

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