Hi. I need help retrieveing my licence. Bought it in mac appstore, but it is now in repair...

Hi. I bought 1P in the mac appstore, but my mac is now in repair so I am currently working on a Windows laptop. I need my 1P vault so was planning on buying 1P for windows. But being a genuine Dutchman I would like the upgrade bundle licence and save me some $$. Could you please send my licence to me?

Best regards.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:sales-faq, kb:lost-license


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Elmar: I'm sorry to hear that! Given that you purchased from the Mac App Store, you won't have a license with us, as it's owned and operated by Apple. But shoot us an email at support+licenses@agilebits.com with a copy of your App Store receipt and we can use it to generate a coupon for you to get the 'bundle' price on the for Windows license. Cheers! :)

  • Elmar
    Community Member

    Yeah, that's the thing... My iMac is in repair so I don't have the reciept. I've searched through all my e-mail I had saved on this laptop but it isn't there. But I also bought the 1P android app. Is that also something you could use?

  • Hi @Elmar, All our desktop apps offer a free 30 day trial which you can download from here. This might get you through till your Mac is repaired. If you need it longer than 30 days could you email us at support+forum@agilebits.com and we can help further with this. In the email, can you include a link back to this forum post. Thanks!

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