Should we expect teams and families to be supported on Win7?

Just wondering if families will be supported by the Windows 7 version? We have one hold out still on windows in the house.

1Password Version: 4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 7
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:teams-families-migrate


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Damashe: Yes! You should expect it, and it's on the way. Unfortunately we don't have a release date to announce, but we're working hard on it. I'm anxiously awaiting it myself!

    In the mean time, it is possible to use the 1Password for Teams/Families web interface in Chrome, Firefox, or Opera to access the 1Password data. Be sure to let me know if you have any questions! :)

  • Damashe
    Community Member

    @Brenty: That is awesome. So when you say the 1password info can be accessed from chrome, does that mean you have to login to the family account and copy passwords and stuff?
    Or does the chrome extension function with the family account online? I haven't used the web interface very much myself, because I am on an Apple product all the time.


  • MikeT
    edited March 2016

    Hi @Damashe,

    So when you say the 1Password info can be accessed from chrome, does that mean you have to login to the family account and copy passwords and stuff?

    That is correct, you can log into your Families site and manage your data entirely there. This does not require any program or extension to be installed but there's no automatic filling, you have to do copy/paste for now.

    Or does the chrome extension function with the family account online? I haven't used the web interface very much myself, because I am on an Apple product all the time.

    On Windows, we don't have support yet for the browser extensions to support Families, that requires the new Windows version of 1Password to be built, which we are working on.

    If you're using Apple devices all the time, then the web app might just be enough for you on Windows and make the waiting easier for when the new version is out.

  • Damashe
    Community Member

    Thanks @MikeT

  • You're welcome!

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