Sync error the data folder 1Password is configured to sync no longer exists: Using Android

Community Member
edited March 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

This morning, with no warning, I have started getting this error message on my android phone and tablet, "Sync error; The data folder 1Password is configured to sync with no longer exists. Tap Details for information on resolving this error." When I tap "Details" I get a lot of information that doesn't make a lot of sense to my less than tech savy brain. I've researched the 1Password forums and have read instructions on restoring the original 1Password.agilekeychain or recreating it or whatever but what I read doesn't seem to correspond to what I see on my devices and I'm at a loss as to what steps to take to get my android devices syncing with my PC. One other thing that I have just noticed is that before today, when I opened 1Password the screen would show "1Password 4". Now, it reads "1Password 2". When I check to see what version of 1Password I am running, it shows that all is up to date and that I am running version Is this something that about which I should be concerned?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: ug:android/first-launch, ug:android/new-user, ug:android/sync, ug:android/settings-sync, kb:switch-to-opvault


  • MikeT
    edited March 2016

    Hi @sewercop,

    Can you tell me which sync method you're using to sync your 1Password data, the Wi-Fi sync or Dropbox?

    If Wi-Fi sync, then the error means the vault in the 1Password program on Windows is not the same vault that 1Password on your Android devices is using.

    Try switching to the original vault if you can by opening the main 1Password program on the PC and go to the File Menu > Reopen 1Password Vault to select the other vault that might be in the list. If you do this, try the Wi-Fi sync again.

    Now, it reads "1Password 2". When I check to see what version of 1Password I am running, it shows that all is up to date and that I am running version Is this something that about which I should be concerned?

    The title bar reflects the name of the vault you're using, in this case, 1Password 2.agilekeychain or 1Password 2.opvault. This does explain why your sync stopped working, the 1Password apps on your Android devices are expecting the original vault you were using, not 1Password 2 vault you're using right now on the PC.

  • sewercop
    Community Member

    I've been using Dropbox.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @sewercop: Aha! That's good to know! Mike had suspected from your description that you'd opened a different vault in 1Password for Windows than the one you'd been Wi-Fi Syncing with 1Password for Android previously. So while you're using Dropbox instead, the problem is the same: you've got multiple vaults and you're (for some reason) using a different one now, which is causing some sync confusion.

    At this point, the best thing to do will be to generate a diagnostic report for each device and send it to so we can look at the logs to determine exactly what is happening:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Windows)

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Android)

    Just be sure to include a link to this forum thread and your username in the email so we can 'connect the dots'. We will get to the bottom of this! :)

  • sewercop
    Community Member


    Thank you for your response. I appear to have corrected the problem by going to my Dropbox file where I found that the file name for the 1 Password file had somehow been changed. I have no idea how that happened but I simply renamed the file to the original name used to set up 1Password and everything is now right with the world.

  • Hi @sewercop,

    That's great to hear, thanks for letting us know.

    On behalf of Brenty, you're welcome.

This discussion has been closed.