Multiple Browser Choice?

Wondering if it's possible to predefine which browser to use when launching a website in a 1 Password record? Some of our applications at work only work with IE but the default browser is Chrome. Would be convenient to set a different browser to launch in those instances where Chrome won't work. Thanks

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @FuriousFan,

    If you right-click on the Login item in the main 1Password program, there's the Open In submenu let you open it in a specific browser.

    It would be nice if we can save the data in a way that it can always open in that browser. We'll see what we can do about that in the future.

  • FuriousFan
    Community Member

    I see, so I'd have to right click every time I want to open the login in a browser other than the default right? OK, thanks.

  • MikeT
    edited March 2016

    Hi @FuriousFan,

    You can also open the browser you want and use the extension to open the Login item.

    But yes, in the main program, you have to right-click on the item to select the browser you want it to open in.

  • bill_t
    Community Member

    I am not furious but I am with Furious.

    An option to specify a browser for each entry would be most welcome.

    I have more than once come across web sites where my default browser does not Do The Right Thing, and no machinations or head-standing (or banging said head against a wall), no tears, no rage, no cunning, no pleading has thus far changed its behavior. Being able to specify a browser for an entry would add years to my life and life to my years. And allow me to work at certain websites.

    Yes, there are extensions. But one wants what one wants. Or, in this case, what two want.

  • MikeT
    edited August 2016

    Hi @bill_t,

    I agree, it would be awesome to do that and I know what you mean about different browsers with their own weird glitches.

    The one thing we have to balance a lot here is that if we try to accommodate everything for everyone, 1Password becomes difficult or inconsistent to use. Despite how simple it sounds, trying to open sites in different browsers is actually a nightmare to maintain, especially if you try to use 1Password's Go and Fill function. Browsers just don't like being opened from outside and the extension often misses that initial call in the first tab or window that it shows up in.

    One thing we have to think about, what if you're using Safari on macOS and you set the site to open in that browser always but then you switch to Windows in which you would prefer to use in Edge instead. What do we do if Safari isn't installed on Windows (good thing since it hasn't been updated in a few years)? Do we now keep track of preferences per platform too?

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