1Password Macs and iOS devices. Now I want to use it on a Windows PC too.

Hi. I use 1Password on my Macs and iOS devices. Now I want to use it on a Windows PC too. Do I need to buy another licence? Daniel

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:sales-faq


  • MikeT
    edited March 2016

    Hi @dweisse,

    Yes, you would need a separate purchase for each platform you want to use 1Password on. However, you can get the Windows license at a discounted price to match the bundle Mac + Windows license we sell at our store.

    Please email us at support+windows@agilebits.com with your Mac license info or the proof of purchase of the Mac App Store version of 1Password. We'll then explain how you can get the Windows license at the lower price.

  • dweisse
    Community Member

    Hi Mike,

    thanx for your answer. I have a AgileBits store license with a license-file. How can I find the license info you need?


  • MikeT
    edited March 2016

    Hi @dweisse,

    Just let us know which email address you used to buy the 1Password license with and we'll able to find your order. The name of the license file is the license "key".

  • dweisse
    Community Member
    edited March 2016

    Hi Mike, okay got it... :-)

    [Edited by MikeT]

  • MikeT
    edited March 2016

    Hi @dweisse,

    Please do not share any of the private/sensitive information here, this is a public support forum. I've edited your post to remove the license key, which was requested to be sent to us via email.

    Please contact us at support+windows@agilebits.com with the license key info.

  • dweisse
    Community Member

    Hi Mike, thanx again.. Will send you a mail.

  • Be sure to let me know here when you sent it, so we can look for it.


  • dweisse
    Community Member

    Hi Mike, I've sent you a mail to support Windows address...

  • Hello @dweisse, I’ve just replied to your email. Let’s continue the discussion over there. :)

  • dweisse
    Community Member

    Got it Sean, thanx a lot... :-)

  • On behalf of Sean, you are very welcome :)

This discussion has been closed.