I have 1Password on 4 devices: Windows 10, Mac iOS, iPad IOS, iPhone IOS. Dropbox synch issues

Migrating away from Mac to Surface Pro4 but still want to use iPad and iPhone. Set up drop box account and it functions. Synced all Mac iOS to drop box but when I looked at the Windows version it would not sync. Reopen 1Password vaults reveals two vaults. Both are pretty close except the one that synced with the Mac ends with 1Password.opvault, while the other ends in 1Password.agilekeychain. Both have Dropbox addresses. The one that ends with agilekeychain had only a few items that I added while setting up Windows programs, but does not synch with the vault in opvault. I want to get to one version of the vault, and I assume that I want agilekeychain extension. Versions: Windows:, Mac: 1Password5, iPhone and iPad 6.3.1.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:sync-options


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @doug1970: There is really only one important question here: what is the exact path to the correct vault in Dropbox? There's is the one you want to use on all devices it sounds like, and knowing which one will allow you to set up each device to access that one. Where do you have all of your 1Password data? On the Mac? The iPhone? Please let me know what you find. Thanks in advance! :)

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