Is it possible to sync my Mac, Windows PC and both my iOS devices WITHOUT using Dropbox?

Community Member
edited March 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

I already sync my Mac and iOS devices ok but want to add 1Password for Windows to the mix. Is this possible? Thanks.

Ivan Nieto

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:sync-options


  • ianieto
    Community Member
    edited March 2016

    I already use iCloud sync between my Mac and my iOS devices and I just want to add 1Password for Windows to the mix if possible. Thanks.

    1Password Version:
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Windows 10
    Sync Type: iCloud
    Referrer: kb:sync-options

  • ianieto
    Community Member

    By the way, I already purchased 1Password for Windows and have a license.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @ianieto: I'm not sure why you created so many separate discussions, but since some of them contained slightly different information I've merged them together so we can focus on your setup without confusion about where to reply. :)

    You indicated that you may be trying to use iCloud Sync, so you should be aware that it isn't available on Windows (Apple's CloudKit simply doesn't exist there).

    Syncing with Dropbox is an excellent (and free!) choice, and it's how sync much of my 1Password data. And keep in mind that your 1Password data is end-to-end encrypted, so 1Password simply doesn't depend on the sync service to protect your data. 1Password is secure by design, not by chance. Additionally, Dropbox Sync has the advantage of being supported in all current versions of 1Password across all platforms, and it can be used to share vaults.

    That said, while Dropbox certainly makes it easy to automatically sync data between all of your devices, it isn't the only option: you can also do so manually over the local network using Wi-Fi Sync. Just keep in mind that this only works between a single computer and one or more mobile devices, so you'd need to use other means to sync the data between multiple computers.

    Some folks have had success using cloud services, network devices, or 3rd party applications in conjunction with Folder Sync in 1Password for Mac (1Password for Windows works that way without additional setup) to transfer data between computers.

    I hope this helps. Be sure to let us know if you have any other questions! :)

  • ianieto
    Community Member

    Thanks for the response. Sorry for the multiple posts. This was my first time here and it did not look like the post worked so I redid it. I later saw multiples but did not know how to delete them. Do you know how to delete a post that I don't want?
    I might move over to Dropbox. I like iCloud because the data is backed up automatically but know it is not supported by Windows. I am not so familiar with Dropbox. Thanks

  • Hi @ianieto,

    I later saw multiples but did not know how to delete them. Do you know how to delete a post that I don't want?

    It is not possible to delete your own posts but I've cleaned up your posts here as much as possible for you.

    I might move over to Dropbox. I like iCloud because the data is backed up automatically but know it is not supported by Windows. I am not so familiar with Dropbox. Thanks

    iCloud Sync and iCloud Backups are two separate services. 1Password uses CloudKit, which powers the iCloud Sync in 1Password, this is only a syncing service, not a backup service. If something bad happens to your 1Password data on iCloud, you can't easily restore from an early backup via iCloud unless you restore the entire iOS device to an earlier iCloud Backup.

    Instead, 1Password does offer automatic backups on your Mac and Windows daily if there are changes made on that day. For iOS, you can do manual backups if you want via the Settings > Advanced in 1Password.

    As for Dropbox, it is a sync service and it does retain 30 days worth of changes for you to restore if you want. Here's their guide on this:

    You should not depend on iCloud and Dropbox as your backup services, always have at least two copies, one local and one offsite, even better with 3 copies.

    With 1Password backing up your data daily when there are changes on your computer(s), Dropbox or iCloud does not become your sole source of data. I would suggest switching over to Dropbox to keep everything in sync'ed and also backed up by 1Password separately.

    Also, you may be tempted to configure 1Password on your PC to store its backups into the Dropbox folder, we do not recommend this either as that will remove redundancy to your backups since you're syncing the same backups between computers. It is either better to put it in a separate folder per PC in Dropbox or leave it on the local drive.

  • ianieto
    Community Member

    Strange that I got multiple posts again.

  • Hi @ianieto,

    Are you experiencing any network issues? The forum sometimes does a double post if it was forced to refresh due to a network connectivity issue.

This discussion has been closed.