how to sync logins from other programs

how can i import logins from other programs eg roboform 7xx or sticky password. i have seen in the forums that its possible to use converters, but the 1s i have seen need a good understanding of command line usage. i was under the impression that password managers are meant to make things a little easier, but if this involves using command lines then this makes them very unfriendly and difficult to use. is their a program that allows conversion of data without needing a understanding of command lines and preferably uses a interface to make thing more friendly

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @garry35,

    You can use the File Menu > Import in the main 1Password program to import Roboform's export file but you have to first downgrade to Roboform 6.9 for the better export support as Roboform removed the full URL inclusion in the later versions' export files. You can find out more information here:

    i was under the impression that password managers are meant to make things a little easier, but if this involves using command lines then this makes them very unfriendly and difficult to use.

    We agree and we can do more to improve the import process in 1Password. Right now, we do support basic CSV import in 1Password but it cannot handle all export files from all various software out there. We plan to fix this in the future by supporting more popular apps.

    MrC's data converters is more up to date and can support the later Roboform 7.0 but as you noticed, it requires some basic command line because it's designed to be extremely flexible and handle more programs than 1Password does now. It's also developed by @MrC, our awesome community moderator who's been helping our users to convert their export data to make it more friendly to import.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @garry35,

    I fully appreciate that the very thought of "command line" terrifies many folks, so I'm not without empathy or understanding.

    That said, let's get you converted!

    I wrote the initial converter for my mom, and she used it to convert from her existing password manager to 1Password. And then I wrote another, and another. And then more. And even this week, some more.

    And I've taken folks like you into consideration when I wrote the README. It aims to soften that terror and dread, converting it to something much less painful that preparing taxes. Setting the bar so low, I'm sure I've succeeded here.

    The README will walk you through step by step. Unfortunately, on Windows, the process has a few more steps and requirements, but hey, its Windows. :-) Just follow the steps exactly (most folks that run into trouble stray into I Know Better-land).

    And if you still feel you need a tax preparation expert, I'm happy to help you remotely, in a way that won't reveal any sensitive data.

    I'm here to help (you convert, not prepare your taxes)...


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