How about a KeePass Plugin?

Hey Folks,
i love 1Password for iPhone and iPad, but on Windows KeePass is so much better and there is no Linux-Client for 1Password.
So, how about a simple plugin for KeePass? I would pay for it.
I would be so great, if there is a simple way to sync KeePass with 1Passwort, e.g. over dropbox or WLAN.
Or a simple export from KeePass into a 1Password Datebase and import them via iTunes, Dropbox, Readdle Documents into 1Password for iOS.
Thank you.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited March 2016


    I'll let the AgileBits folks address your feature request officially, but I would say its rather unlikely you'll get syncing between the two disparate databases - they each contain different data sets (e.g. KeePass2 contains full record change histories, 1Password does not).

    There is a keepass2 (and keepassx) converter in the converter suite to help you convert your Keepass2 XML export into a format importable by 1Password. It does require a desktop version of 1Password.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @majortom: Indeed, MrC is pretty much "ground control" when it comes to different formats (he's made converters for pretty much all of them), and I'd tend to agree anyway: trying to do a one-way data import from an alien format can be difficult enough, and maintaining two-way interoperability would be even more challenging, as you'd effectively have to use a 3rd "lowest common denominator" intermediate database format to bridge the gap between the differences in the two. While it isn't something we're able to do now, I suspect that it would be better to use development resources to create a 1Password solution for Linux, rather than trying to essentially support someone else's software.

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