No 1Password for Families/Teams in Windows desktop app yet

1Password Alumni
edited March 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows
This discussion was created from comments split from: Now beta 21 and still no add or edit function..


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Bernfrin: I'm sorry to hear that, but the fact is that we continue to support 1Password for Windows. Nothing has been taken away from you; you simply don't have something new that isn't ready yet. We're certainly not going to lie to you and give a release date when we don't have one ourselves; doing what you demand would, in fact, be disrespectful.

    I understand that you want to have this now, but not getting what you want when you want it doesn't justify showing disrespect to others by hijacking discussions they've created in order to vent your own frustration. And while I appreciate your passion and disappointment that we don't have anything for you yet, we want to keep things friendly on the forums. So please refrain from, for example, after someone using the 1Password for Windows 10 beta has just said they're not interested in 1Password for Families/Teams, jumping in with your own complaint about not having 1Password for Families/Teams in the 1Password for Windows desktop app. With that in mind, I've split you off into a separate discussion, since your comments weren't at all related to the original topic.

    To be clear, we need to keep the forums as friendly as possible for the wide range of people that visit, and that means being considerate of others. Please keep that in mind in the future. We're happy to have you here, so long as you can adhere to the guidelines:

    Forum guidelines

    And after all, we're here to help, and there are things you can do to facilitate this:

    Help us help you

    For example, if there are specific features you'd like to see in the next version of the 1Password for Windows desktop app, let's talk about that! It isn't possible for us to magically make it be finished before its ready even though folks like you and I really, really want it to be, but what is possible is that you can have a voice in the direction we take it — perhaps not the very first release, but customer feedback can absolutely influence what we prioritize. :)

This discussion has been closed.