Syncing with iCloud problems - does my desktop version of 1Password need to be version 5 or above?


I'm having trouble syncing my 1Password on my iPhone. I'm running the right versions of iOS and 1Password on my iPhone and I've followed all the directions. I'm not having luck

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Win 7
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: ug:windows/sync, ug:windows/get-data-from-ios, kb-search:syncing with icloud, kb:switch-to-icloud, kb:move-vault


  • MikeT

    Hi @Nathalie2461,

    1Password on Windows does not support iCloud at the moment, the Apple's CloudKit APIs we use to power iCloud Sync is only available on Apple's platforms for now.

    To sync between your Windows PCs and the iOS devices, there are two options you can use, Dropbox and Wi-Fi. We recommend Dropbox as it is the closest to the iCloud experience, it's cloud based that makes the syncing very fast and effortless.

    1. Dropbox: Here's the guide on how to use Dropbox
    2. Wi-Fi: If you want to restrict it to local home network and perform manual sync, you can use the Wi-Fi sync here.

    I hope that helps.

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