Auto-Type not working with Windows 10 BitLocker

I'm using an usb drive protected with bitlocker and every time I connect it to my pc, I have to enter a password to unlock it.

The workflow with 1password is terrible:

  • connect the usb drive, a bitlocker popup message appears, telling you to enter a password
  • you click the message and another popup appears, which contains a password entry field
  • you click the 1password icon in the systray and search for the correct password entry and activate "auto-type"
  • auto-type not working because bitlocker's popup vanished
  • back to 1password and copy password to clipboard
  • search usb drive letter in windows file explorer and click on it
  • here's the bitlocker popup with the password entry field again - hooray! Paste the password here (mouse right-click not working, must use ctrl+v!!!!), done.

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10 Version 1511 (Build 10586.164)
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:Auto-Type not working in bitlocker


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @dsattler: Sorry for the confusion! I think I see the problem:

    you click the 1password icon in the systray and search for the correct password entry and activate "auto-type"

    Instead of trying to navigate away from the prompt (1Password won't be able to prevent it from being dismissed if that's what it's meant to do when it loses focus), try using the Ctrl \ keyboard shortcut instead. You can set your BitLocker login item to always use Auto-Type, and setting it up as an application login can help 1Password recognize the prompt to fill it too.

    I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions! :)

  • dsattler
    Community Member

    You can set your BitLocker login item to always use Auto-Type, and setting it up as an application login can help 1Password recognize the prompt to fill it too.

    I've just tried it but unfortunately the bitlocker dialog seems to be special because it doesn't appear on the list of running apps if I click ctrl+[add url] (but others do). But I learned a new feature! :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @dsattler: Hmm. That's troublesome. :angry:

    This machine unfortunately doesn't support BitLocker (dang TPM), but I think I should be able to dig one up to see if I can find a better workaround for you there. I'll be back. :sunglasses:

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @dsattler: Well, I didn't have any success. The problem that prevented you from switching to 1Password to activate Auto-Type also prevents switching to it to try to grab a window class for filling. There just doesn't seem to be any way to interact with that prompt. This is probably not such a bad thing from an OS security perspective, but I'm sorry that I wasn't able to find a way for 1Password to help with this. Copy and paste seems to be the only option currently. :blush:

  • dsattler
    Community Member

    OK, seems to me that in this case ms is the one to blame! :)
    BTW are you aware of any discussion with ms about a better integration with password managers? Like in iOS apps! 8-)

  • Hi @dsattler,

    OK, seems to me that in this case ms is the one to blame! :)

    I know you have that smile in there but this may just be a very reasonable security design on their part to prevent others from trying to grab your Bitlocker password. We do the same thing with Unlock on Secure Desktop, it'd prevent anyone else from typing or listening into the unlock dialog on that secure desktop while you type your 1Password master password.

    BTW are you aware of any discussion with ms about a better integration with password managers?

    Microsoft will focus on Windows Hello / Password to handle the security for logging into websites and apps, not password managers. They want to do this for you rather than relying on a third party tool.

    If you're asking about Edge and extensions for it, we're waiting to hear more about their extension APIs before we can start building our own extension for Edge.

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