I don't have Windows 10, I have Windows 8. How can I migrate my existing 1Password vault data?

I don't have Windows 10, I have Windows 8. How can I migrate my existing 1Password vault data?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:switch-to-opvault, kb:teams-families-migrate


  • Hi @crispin,

    If you're asking about migrating to Families or Teams, at the moment, you cannot unless you find a Windows 10 PC or Mac to migrate your data to Families/Teams. We have plans to add the ability to import your local data to your 1Password.com account on the web site but it'll take a while to make that happen.

    Note that there's no stable version of 1Password that'll use Families/Teams on Windows 8, so you'd be limited to the web app as well.

    If you're not asking about Families, can you clarify what you're trying to migrate?

  • crispin
    Community Member

    How do I get a refund. The product is not functional in any way for me with this limitation.

    This limitation you describe is not clear at the webpage https://1password.com/families/.

    The webpage makes it sound like the Windows 10 app is optional, not mandatory:"What platforms are supported? ...Full support for the Windows app is coming really soon. If you use Windows 10, we invite you to install our brand new app from the Windows Store."

    Also that I can migrate my data without restriction: "Can I move my existing 1Password data into my family account? Yes. It’s easy to move data from your existing vaults into your family account."

    The marketing needs to match the reality.

  • Hi @crispin,

    Thank you for contacting us.
    We are sorry that you found the information on our site to be unclear or misleading.
    I've forwarded your feedback to the team.

    If you're using the Windows 10 app, importing data from a vault into 1Password for Families/1Password for Teams is easy.
    Since you're on Windows 8.1, however, that's not an option.

    Regarding your refund, please write us at support+licenses@agilebits.com and include a link to this discussion.


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