Last Generated Password Not Saved in Generated Passwords View


The Generated Passwords view within the 1Password main application does not seem to update correctly to include passwords generated by the 1Password Extension while creating a new login.

Here's what I experienced earlier today while completing the registration process to a forum.

  1. Opened the registration page using Chrome.
  2. Manually completed all of the required fields on the registration form except for the password & re-enter password fields.
  3. Selected "Password Generator" from the 1Password Extension in Chrome.
  4. In the Generate Password dialog, clicked the Generate icon, then clicked Copy, then clicked OK.
  5. The generated password was successfully copied automatically into the password/re-enter password fields of the registration form on the web page.
  6. Clicked Register on the web page.
  7. The new login was successfully saved by 1Password (userID and freshly generated password were correct). However, the URL to the login page is different than the URL to the registration page. So, in order to create another login with the correct URL...
  8. I opened the login page within Chrome.
  9. Typed my userID.
  10. Opened 1Password main application and clicked on the "Generated Passwords" view so I could view/copy the password, but...
  11. The most recently generated password was NOT shown. Completely missing.

I was able to copy the password within the 1Password application from the successfully saved login for the registration page, but I expected to find it in the Generated Passwords view. It was missing.

What's really strange is that I then immediately opened the Password Generator again and repeated only steps 3 and 4 above, but this time the Generated Password immediately showed up in the Generated Passwords view of 1Password. Did this several times and it seemed to work fine each time.

Why would it work in one case, but not the other? Specifically, it did not work in the more critical case - the time when I was actually creating a new login.

Is this a bug? Perhaps, the first time that a password is generated after 1Password starts is missed, but subsequent generated passwords are saved correctly? Or, there's something about creating a new login that causes the password to be saved in the login only and not also in the Generated Passwords view?

Or, am I simply misunderstanding the operation of the Generated Passwords view?


1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 7 Pro SP1
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • MikeT
    edited April 2016

    Hi @ArcTangent,

    When you save a new Login item with the same generated password, 1Password will get rid of the one in Generated Password category because it's been merged into the Login item instead, it's considered to be redundant.

    The new login was successfully saved by 1Password (userID and freshly generated password were correct). However, the URL to the login page is different than the URL to the registration page. So, in order to create another login with the correct URL...

    I'm confused, why are you trying to create a new Login item when you can quickly edit the saved item to point to the right URL or add it as a second URL?

    In addition, 1Password will be able to fill the Login item on the Login page even if the URL is slightly different. As long as the main domain match, 1Password will find it. Are you trying to clean up the URL because of the Go and Fill option?

  • ArcTangent
    Community Member

    Thanks for the clarification @MikeT.

    Several follow-on questions:

    1. If the Login creation is unsuccessful or is not saved for whatever reason, does 1Password keep the entry in the Generated Password category?
    2. To be on the conservative side, is there a setting to always prevent 1Password from auto-deleting entries in the Generated Password category?
    3. How do you quickly edit the saved item to point to the right URL (or add a second URL)?


  • Hi @ArcTangent,

    If the Login creation is unsuccessful or is not saved for whatever reason, does 1Password keep the entry in the Generated Password category?

    Yes, it only does this once two separate distinct items with the same URL and password exists. It will not proceed if it can't find the other copy.

    To be on the conservative side, is there a setting to always prevent 1Password from auto-deleting entries in the Generated Password category?

    No, there isn't. The Login item must exist with the same URL/Password before it does anything. We've been using this system for many years now, we haven't seen any issues with it.

    How do you quickly edit the saved item to point to the right URL (or add a second URL)?

    If you're still on the site, click on the 1Password icon, right-click on the Login item on top to select Open in 1Password, edit the Login item and add the URL you want by pressing the Add URL or select the URL you want to edit and then press Edit URL.

This discussion has been closed.