I am switching to Windows - how do I upgrade or change?

Hi there....I am Eric Wilson and I love 1Password. Been using it since 2009. Because of my Ph D program and school work, I am moving fro mac to Windows (but keeping iOS of course) and I want to swing 1Password over to my Surface Pro 4. My license number from 2009. The vault is on the Mac and I have it WiFi syn to my iPhone. The latest version I have is 1Password
Version 6.1 (610006)
Mac App Store

What are my options? Please share. Thanks...Eric Wilson

1Password Version: 6.1
Extension Version: 610006
OS Version: 10.11.3
Sync Type: WiFi
Referrer: kb:upgrade-license


  • Hi @eric_wilson,

    I'm Mike and I also love 1Password.

    Can you get in touch with us at support+windows@agilebits.com with your proof of purchase or the license key number you have and please include the link to this thread as well. We'll be able to help you with this and no, you won't have to pay the full price for this.

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