License issue

This discussion was created from comments split from: Invalid License Key.


  • csr615
    Community Member

    I purchased my license today. I've tried opening 1Password 4 from the Chrome Extension and from the installed icon on my Windows 10 desktop. When I enter my license key, I'm told it's invalid? The license key worked on the Android App and on the 1Password website. It also worked on the Windows 10 Beta app, but that was too buggy and crashed too much for me for now. I've tried upper and lower case, with and without dashes, been locked out after threes tries, and finally hit 'order later'. I can unlock my 1Password vault with my master password, but it still tells me my trial will expire next Tuesday 4/12/16... My 1Password, Extension, OS Versions, and Sync Type are the same as southpointman's. Any ideas?

  • csr615
    Community Member
    edited April 2016

    My 1st post and I'm kind of wondering how in the world did I get that angry face... Can I trade it for something a tad less menacing looking :) Please?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    My 1st post and I'm kind of wondering how in the world did I get that angry face... Can I trade it for something a tad less menacing looking :) Please?

    @csr615: Ah, I see what you mean. The forum software randomly chooses an avatar when you sign up for an account, but I too wish that some of them were more...friendly looking. You can, however, upload an image of your choosing to use as your forum avatar:

    1. Click your username at the top
    2. Click the "person" icon in the upper right and select Edit Profile
    3. Click Change My Picture on the left
    4. Click Choose File on the right to select the image you want to use
    5. Click Upload

    I purchased my license today. I've tried opening 1Password 4 from the Chrome Extension and from the installed icon on my Windows 10 desktop. When I enter my license key, I'm told it's invalid? The license key worked on the Android App and on the 1Password website. It also worked on the Windows 10 Beta app, but that was too buggy and crashed too much for me for now.

    I'm a bit confused about what license key you could be referring to. I don't see any in our system, and more significantly it isn't possible that you'd used it in 1Password for Android or the Windows 10 beta since neither of these use a license key at all.

    I've tried upper and lower case, with and without dashes, been locked out after threes tries, and finally hit 'order later'. I can unlock my 1Password vault with my master password, but it still tells me my trial will expire next Tuesday 4/12/16... My 1Password, Extension, OS Versions, and Sync Type are the same as southpointman's. Any ideas?

    Because this could involve personal information, the best thing to do would be to contact us via email at with a copy of your receipt so we can better assist you. Thanks in advance! :)

This discussion has been closed.